Chapter 3

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2yrs later:


I'm soon going to work in a company and it's time for me to get responsible with my life and stuff. I finished my college life and also have graduated successfully! Thankfully, my older brother also works in Germany.

*At the airport*

mom: "take care of yourself honey, don't forget to call us"

dad: "Bring me some fine beer by your next visit"

Haha, alright dad. Bye mom, bye dad. Take care

This was not my first time travelling alone so I'm very familiar with all the stuff. At first, I refused to leave my country and study abroad because there's quality education here in Canada too. But my mom told me that studying abroad not only helps me adjust to various environments, but also meet new people and learn the way of different lives and cultures. She is a huge enthusiast when it comes to exploring and ever since my childhood my mom used to take us on various trips and explore around the world.

I took my seat and relaxed a bit, God it has been so exhausting and I was waiting for this moment to arrive. As I sat down, a guy dressed in b/w with a classic watch on his wrist, Nike air shoes, a hat and a black leather jacket was approaching towards me. He came to me and was looking around me, at first I thought he was weird but then I realised that I was on a plane and he was looking for his seat.

"Umm excuse me, could you move aside a bit? My seat is there next to yours."

Oh, alright, sure you can get in.


Can't believe he is the nut who has the window seat when I badly wanted to book that place. But dude had a cool and clean taste of fashion, just like mine. *Flips hair*

*Inaudible microphone voice* Dear passengers of Lufthansa, I want you all to see through your windows. What you can see here is the beautiful sunset on the horizon.

I was taking my best nap when I heard the pilot say this, the dude in b/w was looking through the window gladly and I am only able to see his big head.

"Umm...dude, could you just let me look through the window?"

"Dude? You're calling me dude?"


"Fine, take a look"

As I looked outside, the beautiful shades of the sunset were all over the sky. It was mesmerising and even more is that we're on the plane and got to see such magnificent view. The nature is indeed pleasant and god's greatest gift to the humanity.

"Are you done?"

"Wait for a few more minutes please, this is too lovely that I can't take my eyes of it"

I was very happy that I woke up to see this.

After we got down from the plane in Berlin my brother called me.

"What's up?"

"Oh hey sis, I won't be coming to pick you up from the Berlin airport as I got some work up at my sleeves so I told my friend to pick you up"

"Oh, alright"

"Umm, he's in the same plane as yours and is travelling back to Berlin too so, I'll give you his number to call him just in case"

"Yeah, okay"

"Alright, bye"

This Dami, he's too busy to pick up his own sister instead he assigns his "Buddy" to pick me up. I mean, I can come on my own too. Shortly, the guy in b/w gets a phone after mine. "what?', "uhuh", "okay, fine" is what he says through the short phone call. He looks like an easy-going person who's an airhead.



I was done with my business trip in Canada and took a flight which was going to Germany. As I entered the plane, I was looking for my seat, I paused for a minute and began searching for my seat number. A girl with medium sized black hair dressed in a pair of brown cargos, had a cream-coloured t-shit on and was wearing shades, staring at me as if I'm about to steal something from her.

"Umm excuse me, that seat next to yours is mine" I said

"Oh okay, you can get in" she said

I expected a mean reply from that weird look of hers. I took my seat and ordered some Mexican as I was damn hungry and did not get to eat anything since this morning. I had my dinner soon and was watching some movie downloaded on my tab when all of a sudden, I felt something heavy on my shoulders.

It's her, the woman who's sitting beside me fell asleep on my shoulders? Gosh I wish I can push her head away but so many people are around me. Without waking her up, I gently tossed her head to the other side and was back to my work.

After a while, the pilot announced the passengers to look through the window and there was a beautiful sunset which my eyes could ever see in my life. The woman next to me woke up from her sleep and was asking me to allow her to look through the window by calling me "dude" and told me that I was blocking her view. I agreed and leaned a bit back for her to look through.

As she was looking through the window, the colour of the golden sunset was falling on her face, making her brown eyes look like a pool of honey and her black hair turning into a mild brown colour as that of an autumn leaf. Maybe it is because she does not put any hair oil which made her hair look brown in colour.

"Are you done?" I ask her

"Just a few more minuites please?" she say with a pleasing voice.

After getting down from the plane in Berlin, I got a call from my buddy. His name is Damian and we've been close since we met in a college in Germany.

"Hey bud, how's it going?"

"Listen, Aiden" he sounded a bit demanded this time than usual. Maybe he wanted something from me.

"I want you to pick my sister up in Berlin. I won't be available to do that because I need to go through the files. She's in the same flight as yours and is also travelling from Canada. Just wait for her until she comes and drop her at my house"

"Okay, fine" I say and cut the call.

I wondered why it has to be me to pick her up? But as he is a good friend of mine and I call him my buddy I chose to help him.

~To be continued~

(new chapters everyday)

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