Tairn and Sgaeyl: The First Meeting

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He stretched his leathery black wings, twisting and turning through the sky. He was massive but graceful, and his scales glittered with light as he laughed and played in the Vale.

A young adult named Sgaeyl, a relatively large blue daggertail, glided behind Tairn. Her nest was twenty miles away from him, but with the warmer spring weather dragons who wished to mate began pairing off. She was awestruck by his power, and she could tell that someday he would be king of the continent.

She wished to be his queen.

Her throat rumbled and she called out, "Hello, what is your name?"  Tairn turned his head back, spotting the new dragon.

"I am Tairn. Who are you?"

"You may call me Sgaeyl. What brings you flying this afternoon?"

He slowed his flight so that she could catch up. "The wind today is excellent. And there is no rain in sight. Where are you from?"

"The nests near the waterfall, perhaps some twenty miles away. I haven't seen a black dragon in ages!"

"We are rare, aren't we?" He replied smugly. "Do you have a rider yet?"

"Yes, I have a rider. He is actually the leader of one of the human rebellions in Tyrrendor. How about you?"

"I don't have a rider yet. I'm going to presentation in Basgaith tomorrow. Would you like to join me? I think I shall choose one this year."

"I wouldn't want them to mistake me for a chooseable dragon." Sgaeyl slowed her speed until she was hovering in place, and then prepared to land in an open field.

"Erm," Tairn was mesmerized by her beauty. "Would you maybe like to go to dinner with me? There's an excellent sheep herd just west of here, walking distance, if you don't want to fly."

"That would be lovely." 


If you guys want I can make a part two to this as well, or maybe an alternative headcannon where they meet in some different way? I'm just doing short lil' ideas in this book.

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