001. meeting the cast

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

⋆˚ real life

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

⋆˚ real life

She was nervous in a couple minutes she would join a zoom call and meet the new actors joining them for zombies 4. She was excited of course, her favourite part of the job being meeting new people and developing friendships but she would also meet her future love interest in the movie and she just hoped they would get along.

It wasn't very common but it has happened where some actors are just not people you can click with well and then you have to try harder in making the chemistry work on screen.

Though she believed it most likely won't be the case as meg and milo have only said good things about the people chosen to play vampires.

She made sure to fix her hair before she joined the call only milo and meg being on it for now.

"hey! aww i've missed you so much" meg said immediately grinning noticing scarlett had now joined.

"aww look at you, you've grown" milo said in a babyish voice teasing her. She glared at him though they were both just messing around.

"i'm so excited to be filming again" she said sighing excitedly having missed the filming for the other movies. Milo saw a great opportunity to tease her again "you excited to meet your love interest?"

"you're not gonna let that go" she said laughing as he joined in. "no, i'm gonna make sure i'm there whenever you have to do scenes together to make it awkward" he said with a mischievous grin.

"leave the poor girl alone milo" meg complained as they all just laughed until suddenly all the new cast were added to the call so they switched to acting professional so they can introduce themselves.

"hey lovely to meet all of you, i'm meg donnelly i play addison in the movies and i am 23" meg said cheerfully to all the newcomers.

"hey, i'm milo manheim i play zed, i am 22 and am excited to meet you all" he said right after meg.

She realised it was her turn and she quickly spoke up "hi i'm scarlett pascal though you can just call me scar or lottie and i am 17 and i play zara grace. As both meg and milo have said i'm excited to have all of you join us"

She did a quick scan over all the people that were joining and everyone seemed to be incredibly happy to be here which she was glad. She recognised two of the actors she was gonna be working with which was nice, malachi barton and julian lerner.

"why doesn't everyone introduce themselves; your name, your age and who your gonna be playing" meg said to help crack the ice between everyone.

"obviously we've already introduced ourselves so one of you should start" milo continued after meg like they had practiced this.

"well i'm julian lerner, any nickname works i don't really mind. I am 16 and am going to be playing ray" julian said speaking first, scarlett grinned at him excited to work with him again.

"i'm Freya Skye, i'm 14 and am gonna be playing Nova" a girl said with the cutest smile she could already tell they'll get along well.

"well i'm swayam bhatia, you all can just call me sway and i'm 16. I play vera" another girl said. She could already tell she was gonna have a lot of fun filming with her.

"i'm mekonnen knife you can just call me mk, i'm 18 and i'm gonna play vargas" a black haired boy said. She realised he was the one playing her love interest and she was excited she wouldn't lie he was cute and had a huge grin on his face also seemingly excited.

"and finishing off with the best of course, i'm malachi barton you can call me mal. I'm 16 and i play víctor." malachi said finishing of the introductions.Though she never has worked with him they have spoken a few times and he was always lovely.

"okay, so that wraps up the whole meeting. The announcements come out once we all get to New Zealand and the cast will be released once we take press photos. That pretty much wraps it all up i'm incredibly excited for us all to work together" meg said before everyone wished each other goodbye and the zoom call was over.

Now she was incredibly excited to start filming sensing that this will be a fun cast to work with.

here with me ,, mk (✓)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن