Chapter 1: Little sapphire

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Marie chuckled, her fingers tracing the condensation on her glass. "What would you like to do after this?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on her son.

Ian's eyes widened. He pondered, his imagination racing. "Hmm," he mused, "how about we go to the park? I'd like to play with other kid...maybe even make a new friend."

"The park sounds lovely," Marie agreed, her smile softening the lines around her eyes. "Sure, we'll go. But first, finish your food." She gestured toward his half-eaten burger and the chocolate milkshake that stood like a sentinel beside it.

Ian attacked the burger with renewed vigor, the ketchup smudging his chin. He took a long sip of the milkshake, the cold sweetness chasing away any lingering worries. His mom watched, her heart swelling with love.

The sun-dappled park was alive with the laughter of children. Ian, his eyes wide with wonder, darted from the slide to the merry-go-round, his sneakers kicking up little clouds of dust. Marie, perched on a weathered bench, watched her son's joy unfold like a delicate flower.

"Hey, Mom!" Ian's voice carried across the playground, a beacon of excitement. "Could you please come and push me on the swing? It's my favorite!"

Marie's heart swelled. She rose, her footsteps light on the grass, and joined Ian at the swing set. The chains creaked as she settled into the seat behind him. With gentle hands, she propelled him higher and higher, the wind tugging at his hair.

As Ian soared toward the sky, Marie began to sing...a soft melody that seemed to weave itself into the fabric of the moment. The song was called "Little Sapphire," a lullaby passed down through generations. Its notes held secrets of moonlit nights and whispered dreams.

Ian's voice joined hers, a sweet harmony that danced between the rustling leaves. "I just love this song," he said, his eyes shining. "What is a sapphire, anyways?"

Marie paused, her gaze drifting to the horizon. "A sapphire," she explained, "is a precious gem. It gleams like the deepest ocean, capturing the essence of mystery and beauty."

Ian swung higher, his laughter echoing. "Am I a gem, Mom?"

Marie's smile was tender. "You're more than a gem," she whispered. "You're my little sapphire...the rarest, most valuable treasure. Diamonds may sparkle, but you? You shine brighter than any constellation."

Ian's feet touched the ground, and he hopped off the swing. He flung his arms around Marie, squeezing her tightly. "I love you, Mom," he declared.

Marie held him close, her heart brimming with love. "And I love you more," she whispered, her voice a promise etched into the fabric of their shared memories.

Marie and Ian strolled through the bustling city streets, the sun casting long shadows. Ian's sneakers danced on the pavement, his laughter a symphony of joy. Marie, ever the watchful mother, cautioned him, "Be careful now. If you run, you'll fall."

Ian scoffed, his eyes alight with mischief. "I won't!" he declared, darting ahead like a comet.

Marie observed her son with pride. He wasn't merely running; he was weaving through life's tapestry. He fed peanuts to the city pigeons, their iridescent feathers shimmering in gratitude. He greeted strangers with a smile, lifting their spirits. When he saw an elderly couple struggling with heavy bags, he rushed to their aid, his small hands offering strength.

But fate has a way of testing even the kindest hearts. Suddenly, a thief materialized...a shadow in the sun-drenched square. He snatched the elderly lady's purse and sprinted away, Ian and Marie in pursuit.

"My purse!" the old lady cried, her voice cracking.

Marie's maternal instincts kicked into overdrive. "Hey, give it back!" she shouted, her heart pounding.

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