Chapter 1: The Cupboard

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A clump of red brushed over Hermione Granger's eyes. They were forced closed as Molly Weasley continued to embrace her like a long-lost daughter who had just returned home.

"Welcome, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, now swaying so that the ends of her hair tickled Hermione's face.

"Hello," she managed to squeak out. She opened her eyes, peering behind Mrs. Weasley and caught Ron's bemused expression that broke into a friendly smile.

"Hi, Hermione," Ginny said with a grin, standing next to her brother. She seemed to be greatly enjoying watching her mother squeeze out the remaining air from Hermione's body.

"Ron, don't just stand there," Mrs. Weasley scolded her youngest son, after finally releasing Hermione. "Carry her trunk."

"Right," Ron said, scrambling forward to pick up the heavy trunk at Hermione's side.

"No, it's all right," Hermione said hurriedly, reaching for the handle.

"Hermione, just let him carry it," Ginny said. She had also strode forward and grabbed Hermione's outstretched arm, laying it back at her side. "I need your help with something else in the kitchen."

"Okay then," she replied, wondering what it could be as she spotted Crookshanks not far off, chasing a gnome. She awaited Ron's comment regarding the amount of books she had crammed into her trunk and was not disappointed as Ron muttered, "Did you bring the whole library with you?" as he picked it up. She rolled her eyes. He was so predictable.

Ron lumbered into the house, followed by Mrs. Weasley lecturing him on the proper way to hold a guest's trunk as Hermione gave Ginny a hug.

"So what's this pressing issue that you need help with?" she asked after they broke apart.

Ginny looked more than a little disgruntled as she responded only with, "Phlegm."

The two girls entered the house. As soon as they moved to the kitchen, Hermione was greeted by a tall, blonde girl with hints of glowing silver in her hair.

"'Ello!" the girl beamed at the pair.

Hermione blinked, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the former Triwizard champion in the Weasleys' kitchen.

"'Er... hello," Hermione said, forcing a smile. She chanced a sideways glance at Ginny's face and found that she was looking very cross.

"You are 'Arry's friend!" Fleur said brightly.

"Hermione Granger."

"Yes, of course," Fleur said. Hermione got the distinct feeling that it would not be the last time she would be reminding Fleur of her name.

"We are going to start preparing dinner soon," Fleur told Hermione. "I 'ope you don't mind getting dirty! I 'ad to get used to eet very quick!"

Hermione was saved from having to respond as Fleur turned to Ginny. "You are in a better mood now?" she asked.

Ginny grunted.

"You should smile more!" Fleur continued. "You are too cute not to!" She playfully pinched Ginny's cheek and amazingly seemed to not notice the death glare she was being given by the youngest Weasley.

It was perhaps lucky then that Mrs. Weasley descended the last of the stairs and entered the kitchen. "Oh good, you're already here," she said, looking at Ginny and Hermione. "You girls can help with dinner."

She turned to Fleur. "You can take a break tonight, dear." Hermione noticed the tone with which Mrs. Weasley said the last word was very different than when it had been directed towards her earlier.

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