Chapter 15

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In the Other World....

In the other world, much was discussed and revealed to Flukey that certainly shifted his perspective of things to an extent. 

Through Olga's confession, it was revealed that she's been an enemy to Celestine and Eostia for many years, terrorizing the people of the country and even subjecting the women of Eostia to the very same fate that Vult was subjecting Eostia too. 

In the beginning she didn't care about the consequences of her actions but after almost being assaulted and saved by Flukey, a human, as well as the time she and Chloe spent with him, she slowly realized that her actions caused a lot of pain and suffering and she seeks redemption than her own, more so for Flukey's sake since she's aware of how much he cares for her and Chloe wishes to stay by Olga and Flukey's side for as long as fate will allow it. 

For Chloe, she revealed to Flukey her origins which was far from pleasant and the reason why she attacked Flukey when they first met. 

As her origins go, she's a halfling like Luu-Luu, with a human father and an elf mother. 

To say their relationship was anything but loving would be an understatement. 

There wasn't even a relationship to begin with given that Chloe's mother was a slave and her father was her slaver.

It was just Chloe's father using Chloe's mother for whatever sexual needs he had, and in Chloe's words from her mother, he had a lot. 

When Chloe's mother was pregnant with her, her father wanted no part of Chloe's life and sold her mother off elsewhere. 

So Chloe spent her birth and childhood in slavery but she had her mother to help her through it. 

That is....until the day they were separated. 

The assaults, beatings, and humiliation was nothing compared to when she was taken away from her mother against her will, something that further strengthened her hatred for humanity. 

And if that weren't enough, she never saw her mother again after that day and often wonders if she'll ever see her again. 

It wasn't long that Olga would find Olga at her worst after she escaped from her slaver.

And they've been a part of each other's lives ever since. 

Upon hearing this story, Flukey didn't speak on what he felt, but instead gave both Olga and Chloe a tight hug and they quickly hugged him back, thanking him for understanding and still accepting them after what he just found out. 

Even Celestine couldn't believe what she was seeing. 

She's never seen Olga so vulnerable before and the fact that Flukey, a human, of all people was able to bring out this side of her that she never knew she had. 

And since Olga was laying everything on the table, she was going to do the same as well and confessed to something that's been filling her with guilt for a long time now. 

Celestine confessed to Flukey that she reason the Black Dogs arrived in Eostia was because she brought them. 

Earlier before everything, she had got into contact with him and informed him of the issues of Eostia and paid for his expenses to show up. 

And now that Vult's making his stand against Eostia in favor of his sick fantasy, this caused Celestine to feel guilt as she feels responsible for everything that's happened but Flukey assured her that it wasn't her fault as she couldn't have known of Vult's true intentions and she herself was grateful for Flukey's understanding nature. 

So much so that she thought it'd be best to make Flukey the leader of the rebellion against Vult.

When Celestine asked if Flukey would be willing, he said he'd only take the offer if the other princesses were okay with it and Celestine agreed to this condition.

Now all that's left is to tell the others. 

Back at Celestine's Castle....

Back at Celestine's Castle, Vult and his men had finally killed the creature at the cost of many. 

Black Dog 1: Where the fuck did Celestine get something like that?!

Black Dog 2: The hell kinda monster is this? It's something I've never seen or heard of before. 

Black Dog 3: Who gives a fuck about this thing!? The fact is Celestine's gone! I haven't been able to fuck a single girl in a long time now!

There was a lot of discussion about what's been happening while Vult just stared off into space, his inner rage slowly bubbling up. 

At first he thought of Flukey as an interesting little guy for him to make things interesting, but now he was becoming a real nuisance in his plans. 

And if there's one thing that Vult hates more than nuisances. 

In Alicia's Kingdom....

In Alicia's Kingdom, after Celestine, Olga, and Chloe were done talking with Flukey, she returned to Eostia and brought the other princesses to get them up to speed with everything that they discussed. 

Of course they all had their suspicions with Olga but trusted Flukey and Celestine enough to give her a chance. 

And when Celestine brought up making Flukey the leader of the Seven Shield Alliance there wasn't any disagreements and Flukey was honored to receive such a role and the first order of business was to change the name of the rebellion to make it one big union. 

When Flukey was asked what the new name would be he said this: 

Flukey:.....The Grand Order. 

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