Chapter 7

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The next morning, Ochako was abruptly woken up by Iida's loud knocking on her door. "Uraraka, school starts in ten minutes!" he called out urgently.

Startled, Ochako jumped up from her bed, heart racing. "SHIT, I'M UP, I'M UP!" she exclaimed, scrambling to get ready in record time.

As she hurriedly got dressed in her uniform, she heard a faint giggle and glanced down, realizing her phone was still on. With a sheepish smile, she picked it up and apologized, "Ah, crap, sorry if I woke you up, Himiko."

On the other end of the line, Himiko hummed softly. "It's okay, Ochako-chan," she reassured her, her voice warm and gentle.

Feeling reassured, Ochako said her goodbyes before hanging up and rushing to the kitchen. She threw open the fridge in search of something quick to eat, only to find a brightly colored bag with her name written on it. Perplexed, she picked it up and looked around the kitchen, but there was no one else in sight. Shrugging it off, she opened the bag to find a neatly packed bento box and a juice inside. A smile tugged at her lips as she wondered who could have left it for her. She gently placed it into her bag, along with an apple, before continuing her rush to school.

Arriving a few minutes before the bell, Ochako made her way to her desk and settled in, waiting for Aizawa to begin the class. Jirou leaned over, her voice low as she whispered, "Hey, Ochako, how was yesterday?"

Ochako couldn't help but groan, hitting her head on the table in embarrassment. "I'll tell you about it at lunch," she promised, hoping to avoid discussing the events of the previous day in the classroom.

Jirou nodded understandingly, turning her attention back to the front as Aizawa entered, his usual disinterested expression telling the class to quiet down.

After enduring through the monotony of math and history classes, lunchtime finally rolled around. Ochako made her way to the cafeteria, waving to Tsu, Mina, and Tooru. "I'm going to sit with Kyoka today, okay?" she informed them before heading over to where Jirou was sitting with Yaomomo.

Ochako sat down, and Jirou immediately stopped talking, signaling to Yaomomo that their conversation could wait. "I'll continue in a bit," Jirou whispered to her, and Yaomomo nodded in understanding.

Leaning forward eagerly, Jirou fixed her gaze on Ochako. "Now, you, spill," she urged, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ochako nervously fidgeted with her fingers, feeling a pang of guilt as she contemplated how much to reveal. "So, I was invited to a carnival by a... friend," she began cautiously, deciding to omit the fact that her friend was a girl and that girl was Himiko. She recounted the events of the previous day, glossing over the more sensitive details.

As she finished, she slumped back into her chair, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "First of all, wow," Jirou exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "Second of all, what's with that? You never have lunch. Third, is that a flower?"

Ochako blinked in surprise and glanced down at the flower she had placed on the table. "I don't know," she admitted, picking up the delicate bloom. "I saw it in the kitchen this morning, and it had my name on it. I don't know who made it."

Kyoka studied the flower curiously, tilting her head to one side. "Huh, okay. Anyway, back to your story. You sound like you had a great time, besides the pervert and the anxiety attack," she remarked sympathetically.

Nodding in agreement, Ochako took a bite of her apple before leaning in closer. "Well," she began in a hushed tone, "you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Jirou held out her pinky, a solemn expression on her face. "I promise," she vowed, and Momo followed suit, placing her hand on Jirou's shoulder. "I also promise."

"Echoes of Conflict: The Dance of Heroes and Villains" TogachakoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ