My Hearts Beats for You

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"Ugh," Nadja bares her fangs at him. "I am going to pretend you did not say that, you disgusting man."

As the pair continue bickering, Laszlo's patience wanes thin. Used to dealing with potential blowups before they happen, Guillermo steps in. "Hey," he says loud enough to cut through Nandor's latest insult aimed at Nadja. "Laszlo called everyone here because he has an announcement."

"Shut up, Gizmo. I only called Nadja here. The rest of you are nosy fucks."

"Just get on with it," Nandor orders.

"Alright, I will. Not because you want me to, but because I want to." Laszlo makes a show of unrolling his scroll. "I have received an invitation from an old friend to attend a party to celebrate his first anniversary, even though I was not aware he is married."

Nadja claps her hands and does a little hop. "This is so exciting, darling! We're going to a party! Is it a vampire party?"

"Sort of. Vampires will be there."

"Fantastic. When is the party?"

Laszlo scans the invitation. "Tomorrow night."

Nadja gasps. "That is nowhere near enough time for me to prepare! What will I wear?"

"You have many beautiful gowns in your closet, Nadja," Guillermo says. "Would you like me to fetch your fanciest one?"

"How could you be so stupid?" Nadja wails. "I've worn all of those dresses! I can't be seen at a party in one of them!"

"What about that one red dress?" Laszlo offers. "You know the one I'm talking about. The one I like."

Laszlo does love that dress. Nadja's night always ends with passionate love-making when she wears it. That dress will do nicely for tomorrow evening. "Alright," she decides. "I will wear my red dress. Crisis averted."

"What about me? Nandor asks. "What should I wear?"

"Nothing, because you're not invited."

"What, why?"

"Your name isn't on the invitation."

"Neither is Nadja's."

"She's my wife. Of course, she'd come with me."

"I'm your best friend."

"No, you're not. That's Sean."

"Does the invitation say you can't bring extra people?" Guillermo asks. He dodges Colin's wondering hands that like to pull his hair.

"Well, no," Laszlo admits.

"So we can all go."

"You can't," Nandor says. "This is a vampire party. You're not a vampire."

"Yeah," Guillermo says, his voice tight. "I know, but Laszlo said this isn't strictly a vampire-only party. Besides, you can't go anywhere without your bodyguard. What if something happens and I'm not there to protect you?"

"Oh, fine," Laszlo says, throwing his hands up in frustration. "None of you will stop bothering me until I say you can go."

"Correct," Nandor says.

"Everyone meet in the foyer at eight o'clock tomorrow night. Not a minute later. Now get out of my sight. I'm sick of looking at you - except you Nadja. I could never tire of your beauty." Laszlo grabs Guillermo's sleeve when he tries to walk away. "Not you, Gizmo. I need you to do something."

"What is it?"

"Write a reply to this letter that myself and four people are accompanying me. Write the name Magnus Bane on the outside, then throw the letter into the fire."

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