Trouble, can't seem to escape it

221 6 4

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up to someone shaking me, as I turned to face the rude cunt that dared to wake me up I saw Harry with a weird expression "Bro what the actual fuck.. I was having such a good sleep" I glared at him "I'm sorry but there something I need to show you" I grunted as I sat up sliding my black fluffy slippers on whilst throwing on the first hoodie I grabbed... Draco's "Oh well Harry's too oblivious to notice" I thought to myself.

Harry drags me down to the common room pulling out some map that I didn't question where he got it from cause quite frankly I could care less... what do you expect I just got woken up from my sleep obviously I'd be grumpy. "See these footsteps here next to the name Peter Pettigrew" I just stared at him waiting for him to continue "He's supposed to be dead all that was left of him was a finger after Sirius blew him up, but this here states otherwise!" I stare blankly into his soul "You woke me up for THIS Harry for god sakes if all they found was a finger there is no way he'd be here alive waking through the castle, this map is probably broken"

I attempted to leave but Harry grabbed my arm "(N/n) Please, I need to go check it out" I looked into his eyes and could tell he was being dead serious "Okay but that still doesn't explain how a dead man could be roaming the halls" I stated with a confused expression "That's why we're going to check it out" WE?! why the fuck am I being dragged into this?! all I was is to go back to bed and not get into any more shit!

But before I could realise I was already dragged out of the common room, well fuck it I guess i'm along for the ride but if we get caught I will strangle Harry. We continued down the hall until a portrait spoke "Put that light out." He told Harry "Sorry" was all he said before quickly looking back at the map as we continue walking forwards shining the light from Harry's wand outward trying to see what's in front of us.

We both look back at the map to see that the footsteps, Peter Pettigrew's footsteps were right in front of us and getting closer, Harry moved the wand side to side trying to spot someone walking towards us but nothing, we look at the map and see the footsteps moving to the side of the wall then back into the middle then rushing towards us we both gasp and continue to keep a look out for anyone whilst seeing where he was at on the map.

They kept getting closer but we saw no one, nothing was there. Then the footsteps started going around us and we turned following them and when Harry looks up he gasps and jumps scarring me but I don't let a sound out, I don't want to be caught fuck that. We turned around looking in the direction we came from but still saw nothing. Harry was turning around frantically and pointing the light at every portrait.

"Watch it there boy" a male in a portrait spoke "We're trying to sleep here." said the other male in the portrait next to the other one "Yes we are" he agreed. We looked back at the map to see more footsteps coming our way "Oh fuck me! Snape really?! oh yes just the person I was hoping to get caught by" I sarcastically say with a smile, Harry just quickly mumbles the words to close the map and turn off the light from his wand, but he was too late i already locked eyes with snape as he just turned the corner whilst harry was turning the light off.

Snape lifts his wand up with the most beautiful blinding light right into my fucking eyes of course his wands aimed at harry but oh no never at his eye level just mine "Potter" Harry steps back a bit "What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?" I can't tell if that was only aimed at Harry but it felt like it was "Sorry professor but I would really love to keep my eye sight" Oh thank the heavens I can see!! Snape said nothing nor looked at me he kept his gaze on Harry waiting for an answer.

"I was sleepwalking" Harry quickly speaks up "How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter. He, too, was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle." Uhhh have I been fuckin forgotten? hello da fuck? "My dad didn't strut. And nor do I. Now, if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could lower your wand" Snape lowers his wand but point at Harry's pockets.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 3~//Draco x Reader\\حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن