Chapter 13:Alone

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Reminder that updates will be late unfortunately
Due to personal life and some other shit

I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to forget the horrific incident yesterday..huh..ironic.

I wanted to think about something else which to my success, worked, but it was Catnap. I knew what he did but I started to ignore his actions. Just to love him. I felt my face get hot thinking about the plush. But I couldn't say this wasn't true, I could admit. I was scared of him. I wasn't scared he'd do anything to me, I know he wouldn't, it's more what he'd do to the others..

I felt safe by also unprotected when he hugged me after his sin, I was trying to think how we'd live now. The less confident of our group was left, except me..

I know Picky didn't have the guts to stand up to Catnap and not really Bubba either, only me I guess. I was their only hope but, I could never let him down. I would never leave his side, even if he..


My eyes started to feel heavy all of a sudden, I felt weaker and tired. My eyes were closing shut, last thing I saw was red gas.


Warmth. And a calming one, a one like a hug from basically anyone, but this one felt special. I was hugging something. I pulled in tighter unconsciously still wondering what or who I was embracing, more how or when. I just knew it felt right since it brought a good feeling to my heart. My body started to shake vigorously, like a vibration. Is it..?

I slowly opened my eyes to which the sun blocked my vision for a couple of seconds. A moon pendant. I quietly scoffed to myself still upset of what he did, less angry and more scared. I slowly pulled away but ..I couldn't. I wouldn't. I nuzzled my nose into the soft fur with the pendant dangling across my head. The figure moved slightly and groaned, sounding raspy and dry. I looked up at him.

"Catnap...." I nudged him.

He pulled away slowly thinking I would reject him of his actions. I pulled away along with him and he turned to the other side. Pure silence. He nestled himself into the warmth of the mattress and wrapped his tail around himself. I looked away upset at the rejection of the embrace. The desire to hug him again slowly pondered my mind as thought and stress played through my head.  A good five minutes passed until Catnap slowly arose from his deep slumber and unwrapped himself, groaning and sitting up. He wrapped some white bandages along his wrist and ripped the materiel of with his teeth.

I cleared n throat slight as an attempt to get his attention. He took turned his head am inch to the left trying to avoid me.

"What did I do to you..?" A bit of anger in my tone was visible which I immediately regretted. I didn't want him to think I was mad.I noticed his tail flicked slightly to the small accidental tiny outburst. I concentrated on his heavy breathing as I tried forgetting my embarrassment. He began to laugh which made me jump. But only a slight chuckle escaped his lips.

"I did everything for you.."

He turned to my direction

"I gave up everything for you and spared your life, along as accepting this relationship." I could hear anger slowly rise as he continued his sentence, I swallowed nervously.

"I even ended someone's life for you Dogday..Now what did I do to you.."

A drop of sweat traveled down my furry face as I tried to sound less irritated.

"Y-you killed my fri-friend.." I swallowed and thoughts of anxiety played on in the back of my mind.

"For you." He turned back to face me.

He cupped my face, making me jump and gasp. He rubbed my face with his right thumb as he pierced his pupils into my eyes. I could feel mine shrink as my face heated up.

"Even with all of your courage to attempt to confront me, you still can't let go of your love for me. And yet your scared..Now tell me, do I scare you...Dogday"

Sweat dripped down my face as Catnap still held my face in his paws.

"P-please let g-go..." I could feel a tear fill my eye slightly.

"Why? Are you scared"

I slowly nodded feeling my blush get worse. His smile became bigger and tightened his grip around my face king me yelp a little, feeling his tail wrap around my body. He continued to pet my cheek with his thumb as he slowly pecked my lips. I gasped wanting more, the desire was getting worse.

"Do you love me"

I nodded.

"Do you love me more or fear me more" my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to say without making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing.

"C-Cat-Catnap I.." he kissed me once more but more fiercely, sliding in his tongue. I kissed him back as his hands slowly parted from my face and left my lips. He turned and left the room.


I had now suddenly felt very hot and flustered from this interaction. Secretly now gotten an less innocent desire towards the feline. I fiddled with my pendant as I tried to calm myself down as the memory from that night flashed in his head. He couldn't deny it. It felt good and right, (😇J/) I shook my head shaking the thought out. Catnap entered the room again as he now suddenly stopped in his tracks. He had sensed my feelings and desire now I could tell. He stared at me and blushed.

I mean bro I have to do smut again😭😭😭

☾☼ STAR GAZIN' ☼☽ [Catnap x Dogday fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant