Old Tales

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  An old woman sat down, looking at her surroundings. Her house was quiet, save for her and a ticking clock on the wall. She then turned to the journal in front of her, and began to write in handwriting that had weathered the years.

  Hello. I have many tales to tell you. But I think I should start with my most memorable one.

  This happened many years ago, when me and my friends were still so young. I remember it well. Well, I remember my perspective vividly. But I have asked my friends to give me their perspectives as well, so that their stories are remembered too.

  The woman took a breath. This was it. The gems in the gold band on her forearm sparkled as her arm itself rested on the paper, her hands wrinkled by the passage of time.

  This adventure was very fun, but I don't think I'd like to do it again, mostly due to the immense threat of death that loomed over every decision we made, even if we weren't yet aware of it. I almost can't believe that we made it out alive, but we did. And I think that was- and still is- a miracle.

  To whoever may read my little book of adventures I've been on after I'm long gone and these pages are old and yellow, I hope you enjoy all of them, but especially this one. It has taught me and my friends many things, and I wish for nothing more than for you to learn from my little adventures.

  I wish you good luck, and good fortune in all of your own adventures.

  The woman sighed and turned the page. Her hands would be killing her by the end of this, but it needed to be done.

  She began writing the first adventure.


  Hello again cacti! I hope you are doing amazing. This chapter is very short, mostly because it's a chapter to help transition into the adventures. Also, I wrote this chapter in like an hour, so that's a new record!

  Also, a few more things:
-I will try to update every month. If I don't, for whatever reason, then I will make an announcement stating why. Announcements about chapter delays will be made on the 31st or whenever I see that there will most likely be one.
-My art style has greatly improved, and so have my editing skills. Each chapter will be read over to search for mistakes, and each picture considered carefully.
-I actually didn't know how to start off this story, until I considered a more "story of how I died" approach, but not about how someone died. Instead, I decided to take a more bardic approach, I guess. A "story of the craziest adventure I ever went on", if you will.

  Thank you all for sticking with me throughout this journey. I hope we can make some new memories together.


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