Chapter 2

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The next morning

Kyousa would wake up and a few minutes after would sit up from her bed, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She stretched and yawned, she would get up from her bed.

Putting on her water tribe clothes she would walk to down stairs to her kitchen as she would make breakfast, she had some fruits which she made breakfast with and some frozen yogurt. She heard footsteps above as she set the bowls on the small dining table, with the frozen yogurt and fruit.

As Zuko was coming downstairs Kyousa would have some frozen flowers in a vase on the table, making the table look nice and presentable. Zuko would be downstairs soon enough. He smiled at the sight "Those flowers look lovely" he spoke as he approached her.

Kyousa turned her head to him looking him in his eyes. She smiled "Thank you, since we aren't with too many people right now i thought i could decorate the table a little" she said as she would get a bit shy.

She would sit down on one of the two chairs. Zuko would sit across from her, Kyousa would look at him for a second and then back to her food. She then asked "Did you have a good night sleep?" she asked him as she took a spoon of her frozen yogurt with fruit starting to eat. "I slept well, how about you?" Zuko responded

Kyousa smiled at him a bit, "I slept quite well aswel" she said as he nodded. Then a question would come up in her mind so she asked it "Since you are fire lord i just realized that the distance between the North pole and the fire nation is quite will you take me to the fire nation? in the future?" she asked him.

Zuko was a bit surprised at the question but did understand it "Well when you are ready, i would like to take you to the fire nation as soon as possible but i want you to be ready for it when the time comes....of course we can always visit the north pole" he said to her.

This put her mind at ease a little, knowing that the fire lord wants her to feel comfortable. She would continue eating, soon finishing her food. Zuko was still eating his breakfast as Kyousa would wait for him. She tried her best to not look too much at him.

When Zuko finished he would help her with the dishes as he would dry the dishes as she would clean them. Soon there was a knock on her door, she turned her head to the door as she would walk over. she opened the door revealing her parents. Her dad has a bit of a serious look on his face, while her mom would look more cheerful. They had heard about her finding her soulmate so they came to visit her. Her mom would immediately pull her for a hug as she hugged her mom back.

"Honey we heard about you finally meeting your soulmate! we are so happy for you!" she said very cheerfully as she tried to peek over her shoulder to see him. Kyousa is taller then her mother, but not as tall as her father.

Kyousa would hold onto her mom's shoulder as she smiled "Yeah mom you can meet him" she said as she took a step back so her mom could see Zuko. Zuko waved a bit awkwardly but smiled a bit, Kyousa's mom would look at him and then back at Kyousa. Her mom didn't know what to think at first, Zuko grew a bit nervous from the silence.

"Mom...Let me introduce you to...Fire lord Zuko"

Her dad is absolutely speechless as he was thinking. Her mom was also speechless but after a good minute she spoke " and the fire lord...." Kyousa nodded and her mom smiled a bit, but her dad was a bit hesitant but that is normal for fathers with their daughters first partner "Aslong as he treats you right...we will be happy for you two" Her mom said.

Which Kyousa would smile brightly too and hugged her mom again

Her dad just stares, he isn't much of a talker but his face speaks for itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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Fire in his heart | zuko x oc | soulmate auWhere stories live. Discover now