His love for you-Feyd Rautha

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Summary: y/n is feyd rautha childhood best friend ,and he come to you and tell you that he is proposal for an arranged marriage but his in love with you

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the dunes of Arrakis. In the fading light, you found yourself standing at the entrance of Feyd Rautha's dwelling, the sandstone walls bathed in an orange hue. The bond between you and Feyd had been forged in the fires of childhood, and your connection had only deepened with time. Feyd was not just the nephew of the brutal Baron Vladimir Harkonnen; he was your confidant, your partner in mischief, and your best friend.

As you knocked on the heavy wooden door, a sense of anticipation settled in your chest. Feyd's footsteps approached, and the door creaked open to reveal his familiar, mischievous grin. His piercing blue eyes met yours, and for a moment, you could almost forget the weight of the world outside.

"Y/N," he greeted you warmly, pulling you into a tight embrace. "It's been too long."

You reciprocated the hug, feeling the strength in his arms. "I've missed you, Feyd. What brings you here?"

He motioned for you to enter his modest dwelling, adorned with fabrics and trinkets that hinted at a life beyond the ruthless politics of Arrakis. As you settled on a cushioned seat, Feyd took a moment before looking at you with an intensity that made your heart race.

"I have something important to tell you," he began, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability. "My uncle, the Baron, has arranged a marriage for me."

Your heart sank at the news. The Harkonnen family's arranged unions were notorious for being strategic and devoid of any genuine emotion. You searched Feyd's eyes for any sign of discontent, and as if reading your thoughts, he continued.

"It's a political move, of course. But, Y/N, there's something you need to know. I'm in love with you."

The confession hung in the air, its weight palpable. You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. Feyd had always been a charmer, but this revelation went beyond the playful banter that defined your friendship.

"You're what?" you stammered, struggling to process his words.

Feyd ran a hand through his dark hair, a nervous energy emanating from him. "I've known it for years, Y/N. Even as the Baron orchestrates this marriage, my heart belongs to you. I can't go through with this arranged union knowing that I'm leaving my heart behind."

A silence settled between you, the gravity of Feyd's admission sinking in. You had always sensed a deeper connection between you two, but the idea of him harboring romantic feelings was both exhilarating and daunting.

"Feyd," you began, choosing your words carefully, "this is a lot to take in. I value our friendship, but this changes everything."

He nodded solemnly, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I didn't expect you to reciprocate immediately. I just needed you to know the truth. I couldn't keep it hidden any longer."

As the conversation lingered, Feyd's eyes searched yours for a sign, a glimmer of hope. His vulnerability was a stark contrast to the ruthless reputation he had acquired in the political landscape of Arrakis.

"I don't know what to say, Feyd," you admitted, a mix of emotions swirling within you. "But I can't stand by and watch you sacrifice your happiness for a marriage you don't want."

Feyd's gaze softened as he took your hand in his. "Y/N, will you help me? Will you be with me, even if it means going against my uncle's wishes?"

The weight of the decision bore down on you, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away. In the dying light of the day, you felt the sands of Arrakis shifting beneath your feet, mirroring the uncertainty of the path ahead.

"I'll stand by you, Feyd," you finally said, squeezing his hand. "But we need to be cautious. The Baron is not one to be trifled with."

Feyd nodded, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. As the first stars emerged in the desert sky, you and Feyd faced an uncertain future together, bound by a friendship that had evolved into something deeper – a love that defied the harsh realities of Arrakis.

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