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As they were nearing the castle , Delphine remembered to change into her uniform 

She stepped out of the cubicle dressed in her uniform when she crashed into someone and they both ended up falling down

"Ouch ! oh merlin ! I'm so sorry, are you okay ?" asked Delphine as she helped the girl up

The girl smiled at her and said "I'm fine , are you alright ?" 

Delphine smiled and nodded

"I'm Lily, Lily Evans" said the girl , bringing her hand forward 

Delphine while shaking her hands said "I'm Delphine Rosier"

Suddenly a tall, lanky boy ran up to them, stood in front of Lily and asked "Lily are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

Delphine frowned at this and said " Are you trying to imply something?"

The boy turned around and sneered at her

"Well that's what can be expected from spoilt, rich, pureblood girls like you!" Spat the boy

"Severus !" Yelled Lily

The boy grabbed Lily's hand and dragged her away

Lily turned around and shot her an apologetic look

Delphine just sighed at this and walked away.


Hogwarts looked just how her aunt had recalled to her, not only was it beautiful but she could feel the ancient magic around it

"It's beautiful isn't it ?" asked Alice who was sitting beside her 

Delphine smiled widely and nodded

Then came the difficult part, the sorting, she recalled her mother's words

"Only write back if you're sorted in slytherin"

Sirius who was standing a little to her right gave her an encouraging smile but she could also see how nervous he is

The Black's and Rosier's go long way back, almost every family member being sorted into slytherin. 

The sorting started

"Abbot Michael"


"Brown William" 


"Black Sirius"

"Take deep breaths Sirius, everything will be alright" said Delphine, giving Sirius a smile

Sirius shot her a nervous smile and soon the hat was placed on his head

It took a while before the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR !" 

Silence. Everyone were shocked 

Even after the hat was taken off his head, Sirius didn't move, looking paler than usual 

"Mr.Black, join your house table please" said professor McGonagall 

This seemed to snap him out of his thoughts and he ran to the gryffindor table

Delphine was the first person who started clapping which was soon followed by the table of gold and red

Sirius gave her a grateful smile

The sorting resumed, and soon it was Delphine's turn

"Rosier Delphine" 

Delphine made her way forward and took a deep breath as the hat was placed on her head

"Hmmm" said the hat "What is this ? I haven't seen a mind like yours in so long"

"W-what do you mean sir ?" Delphine thought into her mind

"It makes me wonder ..My,my, difficult . Very difficult. A wise mind that could make Rowena proud, a loyalty that knows no bounds- just like Helga, a brave soul and courageous spirit- Godric would be glad to welcome you in his house."

"There's talent, oh my goodness yes- and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting..ambitious and cunning , ah what is this ? Difficult indeed where shall I put you ? and oh ! You're a reincarnated soul, I've rarely come across any"

Delphine could only wait as she heard what the hat had to say

"Hmmm I also see you've made your choice. You're destined for great things miss Rosier, I know it. Follow your heart and don't doubt yourself. You are far greater than you think. Best of luck dear. GRYFFINDOR !" the hat finally shouted

The hat was taken off her head and just like Sirius she was met with pin drop silence

Delphine had turned pale, thinking what she'll tell her parents 

"Miss Rosier" said professor McGonagall gently 

Delphine gave her a nervous smile and made her way to the house of red and gold as she made her way to the table, she heard someone whistling loudly and looked forward to see it was Sirius, soon she was met with applause 

Delphine sat beside Sirius who was sitting beside James who was sitting beside Lily 

"We're so dead !" Whispered Sirius and Delphine couldn't help but nod


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