Trial Period

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"Welcome Tim, I am your guide through this trial, please observe and note everything you feel will help you make your decision " said a voice.

"Cool" answered Tim

"You have been placed at your starting location of district 30, your nationality based on this will be that of South Indiana" said the voice.

Tim found himself inside a beautifully decorated home on a quiet end of a narrow street, he moved around his virtual home, taking in the decor and the smells, it felt like a home built and nourished with love.
"I like this" said Tim

Once he was calibrated and got through the basics of the trial, he was given tasks to complete.

"Here is your first task, Go to the grocery store and get a loaf of bread" said the voice
Tim felt his pockets and found some change in it.
"Navigate to the nearest grocery store" said Tim

"Nearest grocery store is about 6km from here, commence navigation?" asked the voice.
"6km? Wow ..ok, yes commence navigation by car" said Tim.
"Sorry option locked, credit score not high enough" said the voice.
"Ok, navigate by bike" said Tim annoyed

A few hours passed and Tim had gotten a hang of his virtual world, he completed more tasks and leveled up as he went. The levels in the trial were represented as human age, which made it feel all the more real.

At level 14, Tim's virtual parents got a divorce.
His avatar's mental state showed that it needs therapy.
"Sign up for therapy" said Tim

"Sorry option locked, credit score not high enough"

Tim made a mental note of it .

At level 16, Tim fell in love with a beautiful girl at his school. They dated till level 18 and then split. Tim was devastated, but moved on.
At level 19 Tim got to experience the highs and lows of his first job, it gave him a steady income and he was finally able to buy things in the virtual world.

"Move out and rent a home at district 88" said Tim

"Insufficient funds, trade levels for funds?"asked the voice
"Yes" said Tim

He was now at level 24 with a small one room apartment on the outskirts of district 87.
"What the heck, I said district 88" said Tim angrily
"The AI factored in a few choices and your current fund levels, this is the closest we can get you" said the voice.

"Fine, whatever" said Tim, making a mental note.

At level 28 Tim was married to a girl he met at work and at 31 they had a child, only to lose her at level 33 to an accident. Tim fell into severe depression and his wife left him not too long after. He again made a note of this event. At level 35 Tim lost his job and turned to alcohol as a form of escape.

He was involved in minor scuffles and attempted to rob a store once.
"Something is wrong with the trial, I must have made a bad choice or something, why is everything so messed up? " asked Tim.
"The algorithm is based on various studies and time approximations of events that have or would occur, the code is sound, do you wish to continue the trial ? asked the voice
"Yes, perhaps my luck will turn around" answered Tim.

At level 38, Tim lost the ability to use his legs to a rare disease, he had the option to rent an exoskeleton or be wheelchair bound for the rest of his time in the trial.

"Rent exoskeleton" said Tim
"Insufficient funds, trade levels for funds?" asked the voice.

"Yes, yes!" said Tim, now the trial was getting on his nerves.

Tim lost 20 levels to the exoskeleton, he was now at level 58 and his body had started showing signs of deterioration. At level 64 he had a heart surgery that depleted all his funds, he now lived in a shelter and had become bitter and rude. At level 71 he could no longer afford the exoskeleton, he was now wheelchair bound.
"Oh man this sucks! I thought I would be some big shot and travel the world, this life is so depressing!" said Tim

"Do you wish to stop the trial?" asked the voice
"No, no, now I am curious as to what becomes of me, let's go ahead" said Tim.

At level 80, Tim needed constant care, the shelter was not too happy to provide such care. At level 83 he lost his hearing and became partially blind and finally at level 85 he died. He was cremated and his ashes scattered in a random field.

"Oh man, I was nobody, my life is just a series of misfortunes! I got to see nothing and lived for essentially nothing, I did not find love nor explore the world. I did not make anything worthy of praise nor did I have the funds to live life to the fullest. My parents separated, I lost the girl I loved, I lost my kid, my wife left me and I lost the ability to use my legs. This trial is over, I have made my choice" conclude Tim.

"Are you sure? There is no going back once the decision is locked" said the voice

"Yes I am sure" replied Tim
"I will let them know then?." reconfirmed the voice.

"Yes, every detail.. "said Tim.

"Very well, thank you for playing" said the voice

"Mr. and Ms Patil, we have the test results. Your soon to be born son, was given a trial period of his life, the virtual world shows that he would lead a life of misery, facing poverty and constant hardships. Tim does not like what he has seen, so he has chosen to be terminated.

"No no, there must be a mistake," cried Ms Patil.

"The AI is never wrong. Its predictions have shaped our current lives, you know this to be true" said the doctor calmly.

"Is there anything we can do to make his life better?" asked Mr. Patil.
"Yes sure!!, We can bio engineer him as you want so that he becomes a success and leads a better life" replied the doctor." It is only a matter of how much you are willing to pay" he added.

"For example, if you wish that Tim regained the use of his legs, it would cost you 50,000 dollars, or if you choose for him to start at Aurora, that too can be arranged for about 10 million" continued the doctor.

The soon to be parents wore a look of defeat.

"Doctor, we come from a middle class home, we do not have funds to bio engineer, no assets to mortgage, no one would give us a loan..please help us doctor. Please." said Mr. Patil quietly

"That is unfortunate then, your son has made his decision and as per the rules I will have to follow it. I will give you a moment to say goodbye" said the doctor in a causal and indifferent voice

"Goodbye son" sobbed the now inconsolable parents.  

Trial PeriodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz