"I did visited them, in fact I visited them---"

"Little Moon! Where are you?! I swear if you're running barefooted on the garden again playing with the unicorns, tsk tsk! If you're hearing this, Little Moon, can you pick Neville on the backyard? I believe he is trying to find something there, though I think he just don't want me to burn his greenhouses, I certainly would like to try to burn his greenhouses like I tried to burn the library last time, I can't imagine how the Mischiefs literally cried when their research were burn down to ashes. Though burning the library cost me millions to replace the books..." Draco grinned at the thought of burned down library while Neville only shook his head fondly, the adults look like they could bawl their eyes out, only Luna managed to stop Harry from rambling things.

"Harry!" She shrieked, waiting for the stop of Harry's rambling. "There's an old goat to visit you here!" She shouted. They all heard Harry sighed before they heard footsteps, three shuffling were heard.

That's when the two boys noticed their visitors, Draco sheepishly smiled at his parents who only raised an eyebrow. Waving his hand slightly, Neville grinned at the visitors widely, they knew they will have some fun with them.

McGonagall glared at Luna. "The Headmaster is not an old goat, young girl. He deserves some respect." She stated sternly, Dumbledore seemed to like to correct McGonagall or to side with her.

"When he earned it. Respect isn't given freely, it is earned." Harry stated. He entered with the twins following him, the twins grinned widely at their visitors before they pull Draco to sit on a couch, followed by Neville and Luna. Harry kissed Luna and Draco in their cheeks and was about to kiss Neville on his when he saw his look, he decided to not kiss the boy on his cheeks, he grinned at Neville, earning a glare. "Sorry, you should take a shower first?"

That's when the children smirked and grinned at Harry, they all noticed how Harry stopped dead on tracks, eyes glued to an awkwardly seated Severus Snape, only the children knew how he stopped to stare at the man while he gulped inaudibly. Harry remembered the man, in front of him, bleeding to death, ordering him to look at him in the eyes, he watched helplessly how life slowly left the man's eyes. He remembered how the man said he have his mother's eyes, how the man died, leaving him with the man's only memories.

None of the adults gave the other children attention, they're busy staring at Harry. He doesn't look like James Potter, his hair was black and straight and long, there is also a noticeable gold highlights in it, tied with a green ribbon. His cheekbones were sharp but definitely not a Potter feature. He is pale, paler than Draco that he almost look like a vampire. His lips were blood red it almost look like the shape of heart, his eyes shine brightly in the sunlight. Severus' breath hitched when he saw the color of the killing curse with golden flecks on the eyes of the man, no, the boy. Those were definitely not Lily's eyes. While Lily's eyes were green, hers takes more of the color of Slytherin green and not the killing curse. The boy also don't wear eyeglasses like his father.

'The boy looks ethereal.' Severus thought, and if you would hear everyone's thought, they all agreed with that observation. The boy's beauty was far more greater than anyone alive. He have this unmatched beauty. No one except the kids noticed Harry's silent gasp and the blush adorning his cheeks and ears.

"He is the Headmaster of Hogwarts, he deserves a respect." McGonagall exclaimed when she have finally recovered from the shock. The Malfoys and Severus eyed her like she have grown a fifth head. Harry joined Neville and Luna on the couch, sitting on Luna's right side.

"A title, but that is not enough for us to respect it. I am their so-called Boy-Who-Lived, does that give me respect that I didn't earned? No, some even hate me simply for existing, right, Professor Snape?" Harry saw Severus' lips twitch to the side. Harry almost resist the urge to kiss the man right there and then, he fought hard to remove the pride he was feeling at seeing the man almost smiling because of him.

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