Crystal took the time to bring some light to the room, wiping the windows so they were clearer as you were wiping down the photo in your hand. It was definitely you in the picture, but you looked younger so it was clearly not one from close to when you suddenly arrived at Attilan, and there weren't too many other photos.

"Why? Why are there so few? Why is this place so empty, surely there was more?" You wondered aloud again with that feeling in your chest getting heavier to the point it was actually causing some physical pain, something which Crystal took notice of and she suggested heading outside for a breather. "Just take a moment" she advised as she led you outside where you sat down on the steps leading to the door.

You were silent as you sat there, prompting Crystal to ask if you were alright and you answered that you weren't sure. "I mean, why were the only photos there old? That was clearly me in them but maybe taken a few years ago" you said before thinking about something, something you hadn't thought about up until this point which maybe you should have. "In fact, how come nobody has recognised me with the few times we've visited the city?" You then asked as you looked up at Crystal.

"I mean, sure we did our best to remain inconspicuous, but if someone goes missing for as long as I had, shouldn't there have been posters? Shouldn't someone have seen me and at least stopped me? Surely at least one person would have recognised me, no matter how much I tried to avoid it" you said but Crystal didn't really have any possible answers, she hadn't thoughts about that either. You came here for answers, but instead it was raising more questions as nothing was making sense.

That heavy feeling in your chest worsened, then it went to your head as you suddenly felt dizzy with Crystal looking worried as she turned to you and took hold of your hand. "What's wrong?" She asked as she spoke your name and you took a moment for the dizziness to subside before looking up again, seeing her worried expression and you went to answer, but...

"What was that name just now?" Someone spoke up, prompting you and Crystal to look up to see two of the many people passing by had stopped to look at you, both of them staring at you especially before one of them spoke your name. You stared back for a moment before asking who they were only to be ignored as they asked if it was really you, it seemed a little rude that your question was ignored like that but maybe it's just the surprise of seeing you again after so long if they did know you as it would seem.

So you asked again who they were after answering their question, which went against the whole remaining inconspicuous thing completely but you were too curious now. "Do I know you at all?" You asked again but your question went unanswered even though you received a response from them. "I mean, we thought you just left town" the first of them to address you said as your questions were still ignored which led to Crystal speaking up, interrupting as they were talking more to each other about seeing you.

"He's asked you questions too, you know, you could at least answer; did you know him at all?" Crystal repeated your question and finally it received an answer, though not exactly the one you hoped for as they said they didn't know you really. "Though to be fair, nobody knew much of him, he was just one of those people who faded into the background, wasn't he?" The conversation resumed between the two of them alone, ignoring yours and Crystal's presence with the Inhuman Princess asking what was meant by that as you said nothing, you were silent as she was pressing for details for you.

"How would he just fade into the background? That's a little rude to say" Crystal said which earned the response that no offence was meant by it. "He just...never stood out, he never did anything to draw attention, almost playing it safe, the last thing anyone really knew was that he stopped working at a nearby convenience store before disappearing, he wasn't anyone anybody paid attention to, a nobody really" the words were harsh but you didn't seem to respond as you were still silent, the same wasn't to be said for Crystal though as she stood up for you.

"You say no offence but you're certainly managing to sound it" she said and the two of them tried to justify themselves as not meaning anything by it. "It's just how he was, he moved here some time ago, never left an impression, we only saw him when he worked at that shop we mentioned and. then he vanished, we just assumed he left one day after deciding this place wasn't for him" one of them said with the other repeating that you played things safe and didn't draw much attention to yourself. "We really don't mean anything by it" they added before saying that they had to go as Crystal watched before turning to you.

She saw the expression on your face; you were just staring blankly as if you were just processing what was said, you barely reacted as Crystal called your name. You only looked up as she leaned her head in front of you whilst tapping your shoulder, asking if you were alright as you just blinked before looking back at the house.

"I, uh, I think maybe we should head back now, or whatever" you said and Crystal slowly nodded her head before she shut the door the house and locked it before joining you and taking hold of your wrists to lead you to a nearby alleyway so she could call Lockjaw, you remained silent as she did this. Your eyes were focusing on the floor, only glancing slightly around to see nobody even looking in your general direction out of surprise of seeing your face after you were gone for so long. Nobody else stopped you as Crystal led you out of sight before whistling and Lockjaw appeared.

The large dog noticed your expression and gave a whimper of concern before Crystal asked him to take you back to Attilan, the Royal hound barking in acknowledgment before a flash of light teleported you out of the city but you barely noticed it. You didn't even feel dizzy from the experience of being teleported but it wasn't out of familiarity, usually you'd be disoriented but as your feet touched the ground again you just stood there.

Crystal looked concerned at your lack of response, going to speak your name only for hers to be called and she looked up to see Karnak standing beside Black Bolt. The Royal advisor asked where you had been as they saw Lockjaw teleport you to the spot you stood and that would have been unfortunate had Crystal not been quick with answer, not exactly lying when she said that you were feeling a little overwhelmed by the crowds earlier so she asked Lockjaw to teleport you somewhere quiet to relax. It wasn't really a lie, she just omitted certain details from her answer.

"Is that so? He doesn't look relaxed" Karnak probed further as he and Black Bolt looked at that blank expression on your face as you had remained silent still. "Yeah, well, uh, you know how I have been helping him with trying to remember things before he arrived? I figured, while we had the time, we could talk more and...some things have come to mind, but..." Crystal trailed off as she looked at you, still not lying to Karnak and Black Bolt But not exactly telling the whole truth.

Once more, Karnak probed further to ask what you remembered and this prompted you to speak up again after being so quiet, though not exactly to directly answer him as you asked your own question to yourself. "I was...a nobody?" Your voice was quiet before you looked up and flinched, only just noticing the presence of Karnak and Black Bolt and giving a disheartened greeting which had Black Bolt step forward.

The King Of Attilan raised his hand to your shoulder with an expression that silently asked of your wellbeing at the current state you were but you again stayed quiet, expression turning blank before you cleared your throat and looked around. "I, uh, I think I just need to...I just need to be on my own for a bit, to get my head around...around all that" you said before looking at Crystal as she had an even greater expression of worry on her face.

"I'll see you later, Crystal" you said and she slowly nodded before offering to come by your room to talk when it got late and you gave a half hearted nod before looking at Karnak and Black Bolt and nodding at them. "Karnak, your Majesty'' you muttered before slowly making your way towards the palace as they all watched, Lockjaw making a sad whimper and Crystal patted him on the head to assure that you'll be alright, though her own frown didn't assuage any worries as Black Bolt and Karnak looked at each other.

But then there was another set of eyes on this scene, a set of eyes that also watched you leave with that blank expression on your face. You just walked by without even noticing though, too lost in your own thoughts about what had happened.

"Is that really the life I left behind?" You thought aloud, not even having an answer for yourself.

As Clear As CrystalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin