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There is many thing karna has blamed himself for and asked his life in every once in a while "why me?" but then again he never let life crush him instead whenever life through any challenge at him the only thing he reply with his "try me". Though there is one thing he is happy about it is 'decision of going to hastinapur' despite him wishing to live alone without tangling into any royal mess.

"help me bhrata karna!!"

Karna turn around as he watch dushasana running towards him with duryodhana behind him with his mace in his hand, clearly to beat dushasana. It makes him laugh, how despite being called as scary, their behaviour is like this. Well......who knows what goes inside the palace except inside people.

"save me!" Dushasana said while hiding behind karna as duryodhana stand in front of karna, looking frustrated as he ordered dushasana to come out, who refused making karna let out chuckle. Duryodhana look at his best friend with a sigh before exclaiming out loudly.

"teach him some manners mitr, it doesn't seems like he will ever get brain in this life" Well.............No comment on that.

"what happened?"

"I told him to bring some sweets for me and mata but this idiot...........HE ATE ALL OF THEM!!"

"you can take more from kitchen?" Karna said as duryodhana look at him with deadpan look making karna blink before glancing at dushasana behind him as he ask.

"you emptied all of them?" Dushasana just let out a nervous laugh making duryodhana raise his mace again as he again hide behind karna, ignoring the amused look on karna's face.

"let's forget it. We can get more from mata gandhari" Karna said, trying to calm duryodhana, who put his mace down before sighing as he nodded while dushasana immediately ran away after seeing chance.

Been such a while since he has become Angraj, duryodhana best friend and a well known discussion topic for citizens of hastinapur and even for other rajya's, not like he cares about it but it is still different for him.

"pranipat angraj"

"pranipat rajkumar vikarna" Vikarna, the only sane and intelligent person inside hastinapur palace, at least for karna, not like Karna is insulting others but still, for him vikarna is the only one who decided to think carefully from both side not only one.

To be honest karna has also heard so many rumours about kauravas and pandavas before coming here, though by living inside the palace from few years, he got to know how much of the rumours are wrong. In fact he got to know that, the kauravas are in duryodhana's shadow while duryodhana is in gandhar raj's shadow.

It still makes him wonder that, how shakuni know that yudhishtir will kill the kauravas after getting the throne? And how he knew that pandavas will never want to befriend kauravas since they also think that kauravas are bad omen? But still karna never questioned it since everyone here trust shakuni, of course except pandavas and mata kunti but still, karna can't have kauravas and mata gandhari, who shower him with mother's love here, hate him.

"you know you can call me anything else too except Angraj" Karna came out of his thoughts by dushasana's sentence who just came in front of him and vikarna as vikarna ask.

"then, you are older then all of us, right? So, bhrata.........karna?"

"yeah that would work-"

"then, what about me!!?" Dushasana shouted making karna and vikarna sigh before dushasana run behind Chitrasena who just mimicked him with upachitran.

Sometimes it makes karna laugh, how still being this old they can act like children always? But then again, do they not deserve to live their childhood too?


"NO!!" Duryodhana shouted before pulling karna towards him by his arm as vikarna just chuckle while karna has a done face.

"only karna will work" Karna said but vikarna denied it saying karna is older so he will just call him angraj to which karna nodded, not wanting to pressure vikarna.

The door open revealing mata gandhari as everyone greet her before taking the sweets from her hand and eating until karna catch her looking at them. Might she can't see but the longing on her face does not hide. She might have never said it loudly or even told anyone but Karna knows, a mother's heart can only beat happily when she sees her children happy. Such respect to the mother who never open mouth for any injustice that happened to her children just because she is maharani too...........her heart might be crushed but it is still beating because of her children.

Karna elbowed duryodhana, signing him with head to look behind towards mata gandhari who is still standing as he went towards his mother, feeding her sweets with his hand as she rub his cheek gently after taking the bite before going from there. Maybe duryodhana didn't notice but Karna definitely notice the dampness on her eye fold.

There is not a single time karna had not spend with kuru Brothers since the time he has come here. They all funny, pranksters, innocent might be under but they still have that, the way they questions him about his journey till now, they all are clumsy, sometimes stupid and dumb too but all of them are adored by duryodhana. It makes his heart swell with happiness when he sees all the brothers stand up for duryodhana and duryodhana standing up for his brothers.

Too be honest all of them wanted love and care and duryodhana decided to give them all this by himself and maybe that's why they are now here at this point where None of them can back off.

The feeling inside karna's heart when he watch bhima killing Kuru Brothers yet his hands are tied by the chain of promise he gave to rajmata kunti.

Everyone knew the result of this Mahabharat, it is not something new, all of them knew it even duryodhana too but no one backed off, saying a Kshatriya never backs off. They just watched innocent dying and then again went to kurukshetra, stone hearted.

Sometimes karna wonder how mata gandhari is handling this reality but then he realised, he doesn't want to think this cause he won't be able to handle it. The Broken figure of a helpless, forcefully tied to this throne, mother; no, he won't be able to see it nor will be able to imagine it.

The only thing that karna wished for was to free from these chains around him of promises he has given to so many people. And soon enough that time came too but there were two things he was still proud of himself about was - duryodhana was protected and he was loyal to duryodhana until the day he die, just like his promise and the second one was, he died as Radheya Karna.

He might had died but then again, he never loss, not even in kurukshetra. He had died as a Warrior, as Radheya, as Angraj, as a Loyal Bestfriend and then got freed from all the chains, all the injustice, all the promises.

He might not had been recognised as kshatriya but he never regretted it since he has always said "a person cannot be kshatriya by blood, a kshatriya is made from person's deeds" and he was a kshatriya and that's why he died like a kshatriya, in kurukshetra, without regret, proud with a small smile on his face.


KARNA AND HIS KURU BROTHERSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن