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Suffering. That's all there was to say about my life , now you might be thinking " your life can't be that bad" and trust me it can , it all started with one simple mistake, a single tiny wish , a dream if you can say , what was it? You say , it was her. She who i dreamed to be , and she who i longed to be with , she was the beginning and the ending, my disaster and my everything , she who i yearned to be mine yet cannot reach , she was a beautiful angel and i am but a tiny speck of dirt in her path , and she who is my greatest and last love.
There was a time where i would do anything for her , anything for her to even notice me ,and even being in the same presence around her made me feel like the luckiest human being on earth cuz i was near an angel, even waking up and thinking how great life is cuz i breathe the same air as her, and a time where something in my life seemed perfect with her but sadly it must come to an end, as not everything in life is as perfect as she is.
Hopelessness. That's all there is in my life , all i could feel is the disappointing world which is what we call a cruel shattering reality, i wish it could be like the books i read , a happy never ending fantasy , tho i know that it is just mere fiction and the reality is it's a cold unforgiving world, and that fiction must come to an end someday.

That's what i feel this cruel morning as i awoken from my slumber and wake up to this harsh world , and to top it all off it is the beginning of my never ending nightmare from hell..... Called school.

The first day of school, it's not the best yet it's not the worst. No yeah it is the worst , the constant yelling of a teacher , the pushing in the school cafeteria and worst of all the den of animals who call themselves human beings, tho one would doubt that word as nothing about them is worthy of being called a human being, they are a sad excuse of fake , plastic, wild animals who act selfishly and accordingly to their own desires, monsters you could say, beastly beings.
I was sitting in class waiting for the teacher when i saw one of the most prettiest girl I've ever seen , i continued staring at her my jaw dropped as she walked into the room , we locked eyes and it felt like a set of fireworks erupted in my chest , i quickly looked away not wanting to give an impression that i had been staring at her even tho she already saw me , she's probably one of those girls that bully people for the sake of the their fulfilment and enjoyment or for the sake or their ego ,i felt her eyes burning holes into my head as i was looking at the opposite direction, "how peculiar" i thought , this mysterious girl have set something inside of me and i must find out why , i looked back at her and her friends sitting in her chair , laughing and talking to eachother, oh how my chest feels like its about to set aflame as i watched her laugh with them , her laugh so contagious and terrifying as it made me quickly realize that even if a simple laugh from her could get my whole body pumping then what about when I'll be able to talk to her face to face , what would happen then?
Oh how that thought scares me yet... oh how i love the feeling

~hi(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠'⁠) idk if u guys would love this cuz this is one of the first stories i made and it's not very good ~i'm just testing out stuff so please feel free to comment if it's good or bad , any constructive criticism is good~ thank youuu(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

My Dearest Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن