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"Alright, remember. When we get there, you both are my kids and Y/N is the under study. You will also refer to me as 'Mama' got it?" Miyako said while driving.

"Sure. 'Mama, Mama... give me head pats." Aqua mocked.

"I want head pats too, mama!" Ai said, making Y/N laugh.

"Head pats for everyone, mama!"

"Mama how about that allowance..." Ruby muttered.

Miyako felt like gripping her hair a little. She was dealing with a smart mouth, a drama queen, and two toddlers— and no, the actual toddlers weren't the toddlers in this case.

Once they arrived at the studio everyone's heads turned to them.

"I'm Ai from strawberry productions. I look forward to working with you." Ai said with a bow.

"Us too." The camera crew replied.

The director came and stared at Ai.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Not really." He said.

"Talk about scary!" Ruby whispered to Aqua.

"Right? His face is so intimidating." Aqua whispered back, gaining the director's attention.

"Who brought their kids here?" He asked.

" Oh, they're my kids, sir!" Miyako said.

" Why would a manager bring her children on set? Well, it doesn't matter to me, people even bring their animals." The Director said, walking away.

Ai and Y/N laughed while Miyako, Aqua, and Ruby let out a sigh of relief.


Aqua and Ruby were being held by famous people, being cooed at.

"They are such a cute pair of twins!"

'This woman is a model for perverts! And that one is a famous actress who isn't only cute, but is good at her job!'

Ruby made some baby noises, making Aqua irritated.

'Stop with the baby voice!'


After Ai had finished recording, they had all went back. The movie was airing soon and they all were watching it.

"Mama, it's almost your part!" Ruby said.

"Well, I was filmed quite a bit." Ai chuckled.

"I'm so excited!" Y/N said, nearly squeezing the life out of Aqua.

He coughed and she loosened her grip a bit.

"Look, it's starting now!" Aqua announced as the screen showed a classroom.

Ai was on the screen for a split second before the main actress had appeared again.

"I thought... you would get to say something. We rehearsed those lines together! You even got a whole page..." Y/N said, confused and a bit frustrated.

"Maybe my acting was too bad?" She said.

"No mama! You did amazing!" Ruby responded.

Aqua got out of Y/N's grasp and left.

"Maybe it was an accident." Y/N said with a sigh.

"Even if it wasn't, I'm not really upset. I'm probably not meant to be an actress anyway." Ai chuckled, earning a gasp from Y/N and Ruby.

"Don't say that! You were the best person on set!" Y/N argued, Ruby nodding in agreement.


Ai had mysteriously received another acting job out of the blue one day. They were all on set and Aqua wore a fancy little suit.

"Aqua, don't you look so sophisticated!" Y/N cooed, fixing his hair a bit.

Aqua sighed, thinking about how he didn't want to be there but he wanted Ai to be in the film.

Aqua went to a  room and Ruby was there too, having a tantrum on the floor.

"I want mama! Where's mama at?! I wanna go see her!!"

"Ai and me don't have the same filming days." Aqua explained to her.

Ruby continued to throw a fit until something was hit against a table.

"This is a professional film set. If you came here to have fun, then you should get out of here!" A girl said. She looked about the same age as them.

"Who are you?" Aqua asked.

"Kana Arima, the best actress in this film." She said.

"I think I know her! Your... um... I have no clue." Ruby shrugged, making Kana roll her eyes.

"I'm the famous child actor who can cry in ten seconds, max!" She boasted.

"You know what? I'm not liking this girl all that much." Ruby said with a straight face.

"You are a good example of someone who's hard on child actors." Aqua said.

"I know you! You were the extra that was added in. You, that idol, and the understudy girl weren't supposed to be here but you were added for some reason. My mom said so, too! You aren't allowed to cheat your way in with your looks, you know!" Kana exclaimed.

"Oh... that's not-

"The drama that came out recently had that idol in it also. No screen time for her then either." Kana said, starting to leave.

"I guess she's such a terrible actor that there was no choice but to cut all her parts. Looks like the only talent she has is flattering people with her looks." With that, Kana left.


"We have to ignore it. No killing children..." He said, blood lust emitting from the both of them.

The Fake Idol ( KNY x  Hoshino reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu