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"I hate you" I said as mom pulled me up the stairs of Saint John's Academy. "This is for your own good" she stated as we walked through the main entrance and found our way to the headmaster's office. "Ah, Mrs Bowen" The man said as he got up from his desk and walked over before shaking me and my mom's hands. "It certainly has been a long time, how is Jane and little Christian?" Mom asked him. "Jane is fine, she handles the finances of the Academy and Christian, well, he isn't so little anymore" the Headmaster said as my interest peaked. "Christian?" I asked. They both looked at me. "My son, he is about your age" Headmaster said as my gears started turning. "In fact, Christian will be showing you around while your mom and I get the paperwork figured out" he said as a boy walked into the room. Christian looked like his dad. He was tall and lean with blond hair and green eyes. A mole sat at the outer part of his left eye. He was attractive. "Hi" I said as I shook his hand. I was about to walk out with him but my mom stopped me.

"Behave" she said as I smiled. "We'll see" I said as I shrugged her hand off. I left the room and walked down the hallway with Christian. "I'm Leora by the way" I said as he smiled. "It's nice to meet you Leora" Christian said as we walked. "Call me Leo" I said as he nodded. Most of the girls had their eyes on us. I couldn't help but get off on the attention.  "I can do that" he said as we approached a door. "So this is your room" he said as he turned the knob and pushed open the door. "No roommate?" I asked him as he shook his head no. "Any particular reason?" I asked. "Do you want the honest answer?" He asked me as I laughed. "Preferably" I replied as he nodded. "Dad thinks you'll corrupt your roommate" he said as I laughed. "Really? Me?" I asked playfully. "Honestly, I think he's right" Christian said with a smile. "You think little of me" I joked. "I think as time goes on you'll think of me often" I stated. He rubbed his neck awkwardly before being interrupted by our parents. I glared at mom.

"Leora, walk to the car with me" she said as I nodded before following after her. I touched Christian's hand on the way out. "I meant what I said. Behave" she barked. "You mess this up and the next place I send you will be a boarding school" she threatened. "You wouldn't dare" I muttered. "You don't know what I'd do" she stated as we walked out to the car. "I'll see you soon" she said before getting into the car. I watched as the car drove away. I made sure to flip her off before walking back inside. "I will bring this place to its knees" I muttered to myself before heading back inside. "Oh, Leo. Dad wanted me to give you your schedule" Christian said as he handed me the paper. "We have all the same classes so maybe we can study together?" He asked sheepishly as I smiled. "That would be nice" I replied as I smiled at him. "When do you start classes?" He asked me. "Tomorrow" I immediately answered. "Cool. You won't be that far behind" Christian said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I should go" I said as he nodded slightly.


First chapter

I promise that the chapters will be longer as the story continues 😅

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