Part 3: First step on the Moon

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Catnap got out quickly after Dogday fell down. He grabbed Dogday and took him inside. While walking up the stairs Dogday mumbled in pain. Catnap got inside the living room and placed him on the couch. Dogday passed out after all the pain. Catnap wrapped Dogday's leg with bandages while he was unconscious and put a blanket over him.

Catnap felt really bad. He didn't want to help Dogday but after seriously injuring him Catnap just had to. Catnap, not knowing how to help someone with a broken leg, just sat there thinking. He thought of taking Dogday to the Playcare hospital but he wasn't brave enough to enter the hospital with Dogday on his hands. All he thought of was just waiting. And he did just that.

(Time Skip)

Dogday woke up and slowly opened his eyes. He was still in alot of pain but the bandages helped lower it down. Catnap was playing the piano and spoke to Dogday.

Catnap: "How does it feel facing the consequences of your actions?"

He was concerned about Dogday, but didn't express that. And instead kept being the asshole he is.

Dogday: "Im so sorry..."

Catnap: "You don't have to be."

Catnap kept playing the piano as Dogday tried to stand up. He fell on the floor. Catnap got up scared and put him back on the couch.

Catnap: "What are you doing..." 

Said Catnap with concern clearly in his voice. 

Dogday: "I need to go home.."

Catnap: "Okay grandpa let's take you to bed."

Catnap couldn't stand being rude anymore. He shaked his head and broke out of his whispering.

Catnap: "Ugh you know what i annoyed mumbling i can't keep this up. Stay here until you feel like you're good to go. I will take care of you."

Dogday nodded and pulled the blanket over him. He never saw Catnap this serious before. Catnap sat near Dogday and looked at his broken leg. The bandage was leaking blood and he tried to wipe it off with his hands making them red. He then wrapped his tail around the leaking part tightly.

Dogday: "Owwww..."

Catnap: "How is your leg feeling?"

Dogday: "Still bad... But better then before."

Catnap was really happy to hear Dogday getting better.

Catnap: "Great. Im so sorry for making you fall like that by the way."

Dogday got confused since he didn't know Catnap was the one that closed the window.

Dogday: "Don't be sorry, i fell myself. Its my fault."

Catnap: "No no.. I shut the window with a remote.. To scare you. But i wasn't expecting this to happen..."

Dogday understood what Catnap meant now. He wasn't even mad. He was happy that Catnap didn't leave him out there.

Dogday: "You know what? Its fine. And i was the one invading your privacy anyways. I deserve it."

Catnap: "Sorry again.." 

Dogday was kinda surprised on how Catnap is caring about him after everything that has happened. 

Dogday: "You're fine."

Catnap: "Well uhm. Looks like you're gonna be here for a while."

Dogday: "Yeah..."

Catnap: "Alright wait me here."

Catnap got up and went to make some popcorn to watch a movie with Dogday. He went to get his own blanket aswell for comfort. When Catnap was leaving Dogday saw his bloody tail from wrapping the wound. Dogday felt different. He felt special. Catnap wouldn't be doing any of this if he didn't take a peek inside. Dogday was the only person that would do this. The bleeding stopped but Dogday kept the bandage anyways. He put his head on a pillow and waited for Catnap. 

After a short while Catnap came back with a big bowl of popcorn and his blanket. He didn't even wash off the blood on his hands and tail. He sat near Dogday with his blanket and put the bowl on his own lap. Dogday was happy to see Catnap again.

Catnap: "So... Is there anything specific you would like to watch?"

Catnap said while throwing some popcorn in his mouth

Dogday: "Hmm.. How about science fiction?"

Catnap: "Oh. I didn't know you had good taste on movies."

Catnap said while smiling to Dogday

Dogday: "You like science fiction too?" 

Catnap: "Yeah its my favorite..."

Dogday: "Im more of a fantasy guy but i also like science fiction"

Catnap wasn't  enjoying this little conversation so he opened a movie to end it. They sat there for quite a while. Watching tv and eating popcorn together. Catnap isn't sure if he liked having someone in his house or not. It was a new feeling for him. Dogday on the other hand was really enjoying hanging out with Catnap even though its just a simple movie night. The movie ended and Catnap spoke.

Catnap: "That was nice... I guess."

Dogday: "It really was!" 

Catnap stared at the floor for a bit.

Catnap: "So uh where are you gonna sleep in? The living room? Orr... With me..?"

Dogday really wanted to sleep with Catnap but his leg wouldn't allow that.

Dogday: "I was thinking of sleeping with you but I'm not sure if i can go there like this.."

Catnap nodded and went to his bedroom without saying anything. Dogday closed his eyes in attempt to sleep. Catnap came back and he got on the couch, putting his head on Dogday's chest.

Catnap: "Goodnight."

Catnap also closed his eyes. Dogday blushed a little when Catnap put his head on his chest. He couldn't even say Goodnight. He was expecting him to sleep in his own room. Dogday put his hands around Catnaps neck and slowly fell asleep. Catnap was trying not to come in contact with Dogday's leg as he was trying to sleep. He slowly fell asleep with a tiny smile on his face.

Hey again! Thanks for reading! ❤️  I didn't have any ideas for this part when i finished writing the last one so i went outside listening to music for some inspiration, and it kinda helped. Im not sure if i should be happy or not with this one. Again feel free to correct me if you see something wrong. Hoping you enjoyed reading this one aswell!

"The Moon Gets Its Light From The Sun" (Catnap x Dogday)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat