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It was dark. Dark, and cold, and they felt weightless. She couldn't see anything, couldn't feel anything besides cold water and the pull of seaweed, keeping them still. They'd been still for so long. Longer than they could even remember. But...the seaweed was starting to unfurl. He slowly began to rise, floating up to the top of the water.

And then, she saw the moon.

It was so big, and so bright, she could see it over the layer of ice on top of the water. It seemed to chase the darkness away. The ice breaks as they continue to rise up, gasping as they feel the icy air washing over them.

Even then, he continued to float up, getting closer and closer to the moon, up in the air. It seemed to almost whisper to them, to talk without saying a word.

Frost, it said. You are Frost.

As the words were said, they floated back down to the lake where ice had seemingly formed underneath them, stumbling a little. They try to take a step, and almost step on a long staff with a curved top, laying on the ice.

Curious, they knelt and picked it up. Ice spread through the staff and it glowed blue, Seron Frost almost dropping it with the amount of power they felt coursing through it. The end tapped on the ice, and frost danced out of the staff and began to form in intricate patterns on the frozen lake.

They startle, holding up the staff to look closer, hesitantly tapping it to a tree, then another. Beautiful patterns of ice cover the tree where the staff touched it, and Frost laughs in soft amazement. They lower their staff and run back onto the ice, racing around and continuing to cover it in frost.

A breeze picks up and Seron flies up into the air, looking down at their creation with a wide smile. Then the wind drops, and Seron plummets back down to the ground. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt, they just pick themself up with a laugh and brush the snow off of his cloak.

They stand on the branch of the tree, before jumping off, letting the wind carry her to a nearby village they couldn't help but long to go to. They had no clue why, but everything seemed familiar, like they should know it but just can't place the small village. People walk around without even giving Seron a brief glance.

They try to wave, to get people's attention, but it does nothing. No one can see them. And that's when the really weird stuff starts. People start walking through them. Each time it happens, it feels like Seron's breath is taken away.

Seron stumbles back, away and out of the village, hand clutching the staff as he retreats into the woods.

Jack Frost, Eat Your Heart OutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon