Amber's P. O. V.

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Click. Lock. Walk to class. That's my typical morning. But today's an assembly.
"Amber!" Emiko dashed out of our dorm to greet me.
"Hi!" I replied smiling.
Emiko took my hand and skipped, dragging me over to the assembly.
"Someone spilled their fruit punch," Emiko commented, lightly tapping on the hard floor with a red stain.
"People are so careless," I said rolling my eyes.
We arrived at the assembly and sat down on the floor. It was all the school except the freshmens. A sophomore girl was crying.
"Is she okay?" Emiko said looking over at the girl.
"She's fine," I said looking back at the teacher.
"EVERYONE SHUT UP," the principle screamed.
Everyone went silent.
"Who's up to solving a case?" she smirked.
No one raised their hand. She repeated what she said. No one raises their hand. She sighed dramatically.
"Well we will have to do the old fashioned way, don't we?
I wanted to yell in her face. She had a whole assembly just to ask if someone is up to solve a case?
This is school, bitch, I thought
She took a bunch of white paper and passes it out.
"Write your names on this and put it into this crate," she pointed to a dusty green crate.
People hesitated but then wrote their names and dropped it in. One after another.
The principle shoved her hand into the crate and took out a handful.
"the names are," she squinted her eyes.
I looked at Emiko worried. I raised my shaking hand. The principle glared at me which meant: "go ahead".
"What is the case exactly?"
"You were not chosen so it's not your business, is it?" she asked boredly.
"I'll join this uh..what do you call it? Case?"
Everyone was staring and now I felt embarrassed.
The principal glared at me for a minute then said, "EVERYONE THAT I DIDN'T GET CALLED, GO BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL."
13 people stayed behind; Emiko, a beautiful French looking girl with pale blonde hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen, a emo/goth girl who seemed very chill, a short and cute looking girl with poofy hair, a very handsome looking senior who looked like he was out of a fairytale, a girl that was looking very focused on her phone, Zach, that's from my chemistry class, a Mexican boy that had his hood up, Heather, my worst enemy, a guy that I have seen before in the halls, a black boy kissing and hugging a girl, and me. Amber Cemmerson. Daughter of Emma and Colten Cemmerson.
Ok, that was dramatic.
I'm just Amber. Just plain, typical, dark haired, dark eyed plain Amber.
"Ms. Peterson, I dont think I remember calling your name. Perhaps you also want to volunteer?" she smiled. Her mouth showed it but her eyes weren't squinting like it should when you smile. Her eyes were open wide and she looked creepier than she already does.
The girl that was kissing the boy pulled away, her cheeks flushing and she walked away, sliding her hand out of the boy's. The boy's gaze followed her out of the room. Did the boy know what was going on? What the heck was with this unnecessary goodbye. Quite cringe if you ask me. Were we going somewhere?
I was glaring at the principle, waiting for her to say what the hell was going on.
"Abigail has been kidnapped," she said casually.
"How do you know," I commented emedietly.
"Well, Ms. Cemmerson, our school is not as dumb as you may think. We have security cameras."she challenged.
"And what the fuck do you want us to do if this random person has been kidnapped?" the goth girl asked boredly.
The principle looked daggers at goth girl.
"Seeriosely, vot doo you vant us to doo?" the French looking girl asked.
"I want you to find them, of course," she said, once again doing the creepy smile.
"Ma'am, are we required to go?" The handsome senior asked, eyes hopeful.
I looked from him to Ms. Youlen.
"What do you think, Seth?" She asked doing the smile.
I wanted to punch her to wipe the smile off her face. I wanted to replace it with pain. I wanted to see blood gushing out of her eyes if that was even possible. I wanted to tower over her as she was bleeding. I wanted to bring her pain.
Emiko touched my hand. She probably saw my rage. Emiko knows everything. I could never hide a thing from her. She knew how my jaw would tighten when I was angry. She knew how would I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. She knew every line, every curve of my face.
Ok, again, dramatic.
The guy called Seth went quiet and looked at his shoes. I knew right away that he was the polite type. He looked like the kind of guy that every teacher and student liked.
Ms. Youlen looked away still smiling.
"I don't choose to go," French girl said, inspecting her nails.
"Well you're not choosing, are you?" Ms. Youlen asked.
I was glad she didn't smile. If she did, I knew I would've done something to her.
"But I have to do my morning and night skincare everyday," French girl whined, "not that you would know anything about that," she added, looking at Ms.Youlen's pimpled and wrinkled face.
"She did not!" Zach said covering his mouth.
I stopped myself from laughing. Emiko gave a silent giggle and was lucky enough for it to not be noticed by Ms. Youlen. The guy I sometimes see in the halls was looking at French girl like she was a hero.
Ms. Youlen was in rage. French girl looked like she did nothing wrong and continued inspecting her nails.
"That must be the nicest thing she did for us," hallway guy said.
"Ya'll want our own group chat or something?" phone girl said not looking up.
Poofy haired girl was leaning over her shoulder to see what she was watching. They must be friends.
"Well, I'll introduce myself! I'm-"
"Zach," goth girl finished, "even the seniors know you."
Zach shrugged.
"M'names Alex," goth girl said.
"My name eez Olympe," French girl said still not looking up from her nails.
"I'm Dakota," phone girl said still scrolling on her phone.
"I'm Reign!" the poofy haired girl said grinning at us.
"Seth," handsome senior said smiling.
"I'm Emiko," Emiko said inspecting the others.
"I'm Dean," the guy with the girlfriend said.
"Kyle," hallway guy said, still looking at Olympe.
"Aspen," hooded boy said.
"Amber," I said.
"I'm Heather and I don't want to be here," Heather said glaring at me.

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