Chapter Two

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I woke up in a dark room with something cold around my neck, wrists, and ankles. Are these shackles?

Have I been kidnapped? What happened?

Why can't I remember?

I closed my eyes to think for a minute.

I was at the bar.. my boyfriend was there. And I left, why did I leave? I squinted my eyes hard to think harder. He uh... he cheated! Yeah that was it.

I walked home. And I met someone.

God dammit! Everything after that is a blur. What happened! What happened! What happened!

Then I heard a noise. A footstep.

Without a second thought I started sprinting in the direction, only to get thrown back against the floor. "What the fuck..?" I muttered under my breath.

I didn't know I could run that fast... I didn't even mean to do that.

"Woah, easy there tiger. Are you vamped or human?" A voice spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Frank. Frank Iero. And you are?"

"Human. What the hell is vamped anyways."

"Like, vampire. Damn your not mine but you smell so good." He said before he flicked the lights on.

I let out a loud hissing noise and looked away, covering my face.

"And... your sure your a human?"

"Yes I'm sure you bitch." I snapped.

"Your anger says otherwise."

"She's half vampire, Frankie." Another voice said as someone else entered the room.

He looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"How does that work?"

"Not enough venom, not enough blood loss." The familiar man explained.

"But I'm not a-" then I stopped myself. He's the guy from last night. He bit me.

"Your blood had me drunk as fuck. What were you drinking?" He asked.

"I dunno. A lot I guess." I said, rubbing my temples. "Your disgusting."

"Disgusting? How?" He cringed in confusion.

"Because. What if I had like AIDS. Or- something?" I said, tugging on the chain around my neck.

"I'd be able to smell it if you did. And you don't."

"Your an asshole. Let me go."

"Alright, good luck getting home." He smirked and walked over to me. As soon as he touched the chain I jumped at him in an attempt to grab him quickly but once again I was pulled back. I looked up to see him sitting on the ground a few feet away from me.

"Are you sure she's only half? The aggression is crazy." Frank said.

"Yeah, watch." The man said before pinning me against the wall, only this time I broke free, lunging on top of him and holding him down.

"Shit." The man laughed underneath me as he squirmed. I leaned down to smell him a little bit, only for him to sink his teeth once again. I shrieked and jumped back to the wall as I held my neck. I looked down at my hand to see blood covering it.

"Close the door!" The man in front of me yelled in which Frank dashed to the door, closing it and dead bolting it.

"Hey! That's not fair!" A voice yelled from the other side.

Never Let Them Take the Light Behind Your Eyes || Gerard WayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ