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A/n: I'm really torn between how I should end this book:

Three years later
Despite the cries of babes that usually echoed around Dragonstone, the island that night was quieter than usual. Quiet enough for a person to sneak around. More often than not the person would have to hide in the shadows to avoid guards, and once or twice they saw Prince Maekar walking around with three of his trusted Blood Riders.

Once the coast was clear, the person continued their stealthy journey, moving like a shadow through the castle. They skillfully avoided patrols and sidestepped the occasional servant, blending seamlessly into the darkness. Their heart raced with each close call, but their determination to escape Dragonstone burned brighter.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of sneaking and evading, the person found themselves outside the castle walls. The moonlit courtyard stretched out before them, and beyond that, the rolling hills awaited. The person couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope as they gazed at the open expanse.

But as they stepped into the courtyard, they heard the distant sound of footsteps approaching. Panic gripped their chest as they realised they weren't alone. They quickly dove behind a nearby statue, praying that their hiding spot would go unnoticed.

Peering cautiously from their hiding place, the person saw a group of guards patrolling the courtyard. Their armor gleamed in the moonlight, and their eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of intruders. The person knew they had to act quickly if they were to escape.

With a surge of courage, the person waited for the perfect moment. As the guards passed by, their backs turned, the person silently slipped out from behind the statue and began to make their way towards the castle gate. They moved with the grace of a cat, their footsteps barely audible on the cobblestones.

As they approached the gate, the person's heart pounded in their chest. They knew that if they were caught now, all their efforts would be in vain. With one last burst of speed, they reached the gate and pushed it open, the heavy wooden doors creaking in protest.

Stepping out into the cool night air, the person felt a sense of freedom wash over them. They had made it. They had escaped Dragonstone. But their journey was far from over. With a determined look in their eyes, the person set their sights on the distant hills and began to climb, leaving the castle and all its dangers behind.

The person pulled the hood off of their head, revealing it to be ten year old Visenya Targaryen, a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. She grinned as she saw the castle in the distance.

As Visenya made her way up into the hills, the girl couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. The stars above twinkled brightly, guiding her path as she walked further up the hills, following the sounds of dragon calls.

With each step, the dragon calls grew louder and more distinct, echoing through the night air. Visenya's curiosity and excitement intensified as she approached the source of the calls. Finally, she came across a pitch-black cave, its entrance hidden amidst the rocky terrain.

Undeterred by the darkness and the eerie atmosphere, Visenya's determination pushed her forward. She reached out and grabbed a lit torch that had been left at the entrance of the cave, its flickering flame casting eerie shadows on the walls. With the torch in hand, she took a deep breath and ventured into the unknown.

As she ventured deeper into the cave, the darkness enveloped her, swallowing every trace of light. The air grew colder, and the silence was broken only by the sound of her own footsteps echoing off the damp walls. Her heart raced as she remembered the rumors surrounding the dragon that resided within these caves.

𝐍𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐞 ~ A. HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now