Chapter Three

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Hearing Problems.

Perched on the familiar rooftop of Aunt May's house, Peter found solace in the tranquil setting as he delved into an article penned by Dr. Curt Conners on Cross Species Genetics.

The gentle rustle of the evening breeze provided a soothing backdrop as he immersed himself in the complexities of Dr. Conners' research.

With furrowed brow and a keen focus, Peter absorbed the intricate details of the scientific discourse, recognizing the profound implications of such groundbreaking work.

As he pondered the possibilities and ethical considerations inherent in cross species genetics, a sense of fascination and curiosity stirred within him, igniting a deep-seated passion for the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Peter's phone lit up with a new message from Kitty, suggesting that they hang out today.

Excited by the idea, Peter couldn't help but wonder how Kitty had gotten his phone number in the first place.

As he typed out a quick affirmative response, the mystery of Kitty's resourcefulness lingered in the back of his mind, adding an intriguing layer to their pending plans.

Peter couldn't believe his luck when he ran into Kitty over by Delmar's, a cozy sandwich spot right next to his house.

The sun was shining and there was a pleasant breeze in the air as they struck up a conversation while waiting in line.

As they chatted, Peter couldn't help but be captivated by Kitty's easygoing nature and quick wit.

Kitty greeted Peter with a mischievous smile and a playful "Hey, Web head," referencing Peter's alter ego.

Peter glanced around, trying to act nonchalant as if he had no idea what she was talking about, but inwardly he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Peter was taken aback as Kitty revealed that she was a part of the X-Men and had known about his secret identity all along.

She explained how Professor X had been studying him before he even realized she was a mutant.

It was a revelation that left Peter both shocked and intrigued and it marked the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship.

Peter and Kitty strolled through the serene park, reminiscing about their past adventures.

Kitty shared an enthralling tale about her journey to the future to thwart a formidable foe named Apocalypse, while Peter recounted a thrilling battle against a villain with the ability to transform into water.

As they exchanged stories, the air buzzed with excitement and camaraderie, with each revelation strengthening their bond.

Amidst the rustling leaves and gentle sunlight, they found solace in confiding in each other about their extraordinary exploits.

Peter's Spidey senses tingled as he witnessed a man snatching an old lady's purse.

Without a second thought, he sprang into action, shooting a web with astounding precision, causing the thief to stumble and fumble the stolen purse.

The grateful elderly lady recovered her belongings.

Kitty flashed a warm, admiring smile at Peter, feeling a sense of genuine admiration for his innate desire to protect and look out for others.

She couldn't help but find it incredibly endearing that he always sought to help those in need, no matter how insignificant it might seem to others.

In that moment, she realized just how special and caring Peter was, and she felt lucky to have someone with such a kind heart by her side.

Kitty spotted Scott sitting in Professor X's old car just as she was about to get in.

Before entering the car, she hurriedly planted a kiss on Peter's lips and thanked him for the time they had spent together.

It was a bittersweet moment, as she grappled with conflicting emotions while moving on to a new chapter.

The exchange left her feeling both nostalgic and determined, knowing that she was about to embark on a new adventure with Scott.

Peter watched as Kitty rode off, still caught in the whirlwind of emotions from her unexpected kiss.

As she disappeared from view, he couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and bewilderment.

The memory of her kiss lingered in his mind, leaving him pondering the significance of the moment and what it might mean for their relationship.

As he waved goodbye, Peter found himself grappling with newfound feelings and a sense of longing for clarity.

As Peter pondered the unexpected kiss from Kitty, his phone buzzed with a text from Harry, inviting him to join a gaming session with Ned.

The distraction was a welcome relief, and Peter felt a sense of camaraderie and comfort at the thought of spending time with his friends.

It offered a chance to temporarily set aside the confusing feelings that had been swirling within him.

With a smile, Peter quickly texted back an enthusiastic "Yes," looking forward to the light-hearted fun that awaited him.

Peter finally arrived at Harry's house, where he was met with warm hospitality.

As they settled in for their gaming session, Harry couldn't help but notice Peter's flustered demeanor and asked him about it.

Peter hesitated for a moment, then simply acknowledged that a lot had happened recently, opting to keep the details to himself for the time being.

Harry nodded understandingly, respecting Peter's privacy, and they dove into their video game, allowing the immersive virtual world to provide a temporary escape from the complexities of reality.

Peter bid farewell to Harry after an intense gaming session at his house. As he walked home, he felt a sense of contentment and exhaustion from the day's activities.

His mind buzzed with the excitement of their virtual adventures, and he couldn't wait to relive the thrilling moments in his dreams.

Upon arriving home, Peter eagerly anticipated just flopping onto his bed, ready to unwind and immerse himself in the tranquility of his own space.

Kitty lingered in Peter's mind long after their meaningful kiss.

her presence subtly colored his thoughts and emotions, leaving a lasting impression that he simply couldn't shake.

Every time he closed his eyes, he found himself replaying the sweet, tender moment, savoring the warmth of her embrace and the softness of her lips.

The memory of their connection filled him with a sense of longing and anticipation, stirring a newfound awareness of his feelings for her.

Despite the passing of time, Kitty remained a captivating presence in his thoughts, sparking a newfound sense of joy and curiosity within him.

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