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My breath was unsteady as I prepared for the interview. I heard my name "Karios day?" A tall and slender woman with a slight rasp to her voice called me into her office. She made the tips of my nose all rosy. "Hello Kairos. You're here for the interview right?" She questioned as she ushered me to sit down. I did, gently sitting across from her, pushing a throw pillow aside so I had room. I settled into my spot, placing my folders and resume down. "Yes I'm here for the interview" I was currently getting interviewed at the greatest astronomy lab in all of Toronto. I had been into astronomy for decades and I was finally getting this opportunity.

My interest started when we first learned about the galaxies in 4th grade. I had taken a particular interest in one galaxy. Nobody even batted an eye when I did a project on it. No questions, nobody raised their hands, nothing. The reason this galaxy intrigued me so much was because it felt like I had something I was destined to do, like save it. Now of course I don't think like this anymore -I mean it was okay when I was nine but now I think that sort of stuff is silly.

The interview went well. All the normal questions were asked and I was shocked it was this simple to get in. I never had much confidence during things like these especially with strangers. I was charming Rachel and she seemed genuinely nice so I was glad I was going to work with her. By the time the interview concluded, I was pretty confident. She dismissed me. "Okay, I'll give you a call soon to let you know if you got the job." She explained, her lips curling into a slight grin. I nodded, shaking her hand as I departed. The coffee shop looked pretty empty as I passed by it. With a discreet nod of self-approval, I gripped the door handle gently before swinging it open. Flashing a nice grin at the employees as I made my way to the counter in 3 quick strides. "Hello, what could I get for you today" The taller boy in front of me waited impatiently for me to place my order. "Ill just get an iced coffee," I responded as my face contorted into an expression of sympathy for the boy.  I got my coffee and plopped down into a nice chair, pulling out my laptop to keep myself entertained.  Lately, I've been feeling like someone was watching me. It felt weird but not the type of weird to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Maybe my destiny was awaiting me. I quickly shut out that thought, cursing at myself for being ridiculous at an interview and in front of a super gorgeous girl.  

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