Floyd: John will you stop smirking at me like that...

JD: Oh come it's just a tiny tease..

Bruce: JD stop talking before I punch you..

JD: Ouch.. That hurt me dear brother

Bruce: Good, and stop being dramatic ;)

*Everyone laughed especially JD*

Viva: Well..We still have more time to skate, you guys still wanna race around the ring?

Ablaze: Ok, the loser has to put the skates away later

Everyone agreed and raced around the ring. They were having so much time especially Floyd cause he finally learned something new and fun.. Surprisingly, Floyd won the race and Boom lost..

Branch: Wow Boom, you lost to a beginner?

Boom: Huh.. Even I'm surprised.. You were amazing Floyd!!

Floyd: Thanks, but I guess it was just beginner's luck..

Ablaze: Didn't seem like beginners luck to me.

Everyone left the ring and took off their skates.

Branch: Ya sure you can handle this on your own Boom?

Boom: Yeah, besides what was the purpose of the race if you helped the loser with his punishment?

Bruce: Alright we'll leave then, if you need help you know where to find us.

Everone left and went to the Karaoke set.

Boom started picking up the skates to return them to the shelves, Floyd stayed behind and began to help

Boom: I told you, I got it covered plus, you won the race.

Floyd: Pfft.. Like I care about that, besides I like to help, I'm the sensitive one remember

Boom: Oh, so you're saying you have pity on me?

Floyd: What? N-non that's not what I meant I-..

Boom started laughing and was Blushing again

Boom: Don't worry Floyd, I was just kidding..

Floyd: Geez you had me fooled for a second there..

Floyd and Boom talked while cleaning up the skates there were a lot so they just carried as much as they could hold and went back to carry more, while they were grabbing the last pair of skates, NSYNC was about to go over to Boom to help him..

Ablaze: Hype do we really have too? I mean he lost the race and even insisted on cleaning on his own..

Hype: Come on guys, we can't just leave him there cleaning the mess himself..

Trickee: He's got a point

While they were heading to Boom, they saw him and Floyd cleaning together. They hid behind a wall and listened to their conversation

Boom: Thanks again for helping me clean, even though you were the one who won the race.

Floyd: Do I really have to repeat saying I'm not gonna leave you here to clean by yourself

Boom: Maybe~

They both Giggled and was about to clean up the last pair of shoes, Floyd accidentally dropped a roller skate.

Floyd: Oops sorry I'll get it..

Boom: Don't worry I got it-

Floyd was about to grab the skate when suddenly Boom's hand rushed and held Floyd's hand instead of the skate. The two then looked at each other and blushed..

Vacay Island Incidents (Floom)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora