Warriors: The Apocalypse

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Disclaimer: I do not own Warriors :) 

It was Archie's normal feeding time after a long walk in the forest with his best friend Cassie—a pale grey she-cat with brown flecks. She was Archie's very first friend after escaping from his home when he was barely two moons old. Cassie had taught him almost everything to survive since then, pouncing, and detecting scents. With this, she knew even a kit his size—Archie is a very tiny kit—could survive in the forest. Ever since Archie escaped that day, she continued to teach him more advanced ways to pounce and she teaches him the basic rules of pouncing, and how to follow another cat’s scent.  

Archie walked through the cat flap into his home and the smell of tuna immediately filled his nostrils. He mewed in hunger which cause the stomping of feet. As if on command, Delilah, his owner, came around from the adjacent room with an open can of Archie's food. His eyes opened eagerly and he began to mewl more. She responded to his commands and put the can before him.

Archie padded out of his fenced area feeling the cold air whip against his ginger pelt. He craved a walk with Cassie, to share how much he has improved today, for Archie knew she loved his growth. Whenever Archie quickly grasped an idea Cassie had taught, she’d give him an affectionate lick between his ears; just as his mother would have. He loved when she did that, so he always tried to impress her. Smiling to himself, Archie lifted his nose in the air and began to sniff for her scent. Immediately, he found it, she was near.  

Archie began padding happily towards the forest clearing until a yowl in anger erupted into the air. It came from the direction Cassie was in and he began to worry. It sounded too much like Cassie. He didn’t want her to be in danger, for he always wants the best for her, but Archie couldn’t shake that feeling in his belly. He had to face it, Cassie was in danger, and now he has to protect her. Despite his size, he will protect his mentor, whatever it takes.

"Cassie! I'm coming!" Archie yowled, as he raced deeper into the forest.  

In the middle of the forest, Archie saw Cassie and a large brown tom wrestling. The tom was spitting all types of insults at her, as he clawed her beautiful flank. Archie’s blood began to boil at the sight of it. The smell of her blood wafted into the air, which made Archie’s sanity snap. The tom is overpowering her, for he is fighting a she-cat, only three moons older than himself --- she’s not much bigger than him either. He had a complete advantage over her.

"It's over apprentice! I warned you many times to leave those kittypets alone, and Bluestar has given you too much grace, you need to be punished." The tom spat slashing his claws into her flank again. Then without thinking properly, the young tom used what Cassie had taught him and pounced on the brown cat sending him toppling to the ground. 

Archie snarled and spat at him as he thrashed his tiny claws throughout the tom's thick pelt. His blood began to spill from it, and Archie felt proud; his power is coursing through him. The tom begins spitting out curses to the young tom, wondering who he is, and how strong this cat truly is. 

Archie is only three moons old. He has been sheltered his entire three moons of his life, for his owner barely let him outside. This was because he wasn't 'as big as the other kits' in his litter, and he barely gained weight after he was born. This caused everybody in his family to worry about his health; which he never really cared about. He knew he was a scrawny cat, and he didn't need any other people telling him that. 

The older tom retaliated his attack, and put a gash in his boney shoulder. He then flipped them over and sank his teeth in Archie’s neck then watched the blood seep from the wound. Archie yowled in pain and felt his rage boil in him again. There was no way he was going to get beaten in his first real fight. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2011 ⏰

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