Cliche is Issei's Forte

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Y/n strides through the corridors of Kouh Academy, his focus split between the virtual battleground on his phone and the path to his first period class. The game of Call of Duty: Mobile unfolds on the screen, the Miami Blitz map alive with the chaos of deathmatch. With a deft thumb movement, Y/n zooms in on an enemy with his Cordite SMG and scores a satisfying headshot.

"Yes! Let's go!" he exclaims under his breath, a small victory smile playing on his lips.

He continues his journey, now approaching the classroom. Inside, the hum of idle chatter fills the air, and the teacher is engrossed in a book. Y/n offers a polite greeting before making his way to the back of the room, choosing the seat closest to the door—the 'sigma' seat, as he calls it.

In case of an emergency, this is the best place to run outta here, he thinks, settling into his chair.

The game continues, and Y/n's character is taken down by a sniper. Frustrated but undeterred, he taps furiously to respawn. This time, he's more cautious, pulling out his Shorty shotgun as he encounters two enemies. A slide, a shot, and one enemy falls. The other turns, but it's too late—Y/n's quick reflexes and sharp aim ensure his team's lead in the game.

The scoreboard updates:

Enemy Team: 39

Your Team: 40

"I'm gaining," Y/n mutters, a determined glint in his eyes.

With his teammate covering him, Y/n rushes forward, throwing a bomb to scatter the enemies. They crouch at the stairwell, and his teammate snipes one of the foes. Y/n charges in with his shotgun, taking down two more as his teammate eliminates the last, pushing their team to 44 points.

But victory is short-lived as Y/n is taken out by an enemy lurking behind a wall.

"Dang it," he sighs, respawning for the final push.

The last kill is within sight. Y/n and his opponent slide towards each other in a tense showdown. With a swift pull of his double-barreled shotgun, Y/n takes the shot, and the enemy falls. The game ends with his triumphant yell, "YEEEAAAAA! GET WRECKED!"

However, his celebration is cut short as he realizes the entire class is staring at him.

"What? I won Call of Duty by sliding and killing someone. Is there a problem?" Y/n asks, his confidence unshaken.

"No," the class responds in unison, returning to their activities.

A fellow student, Male 1, grumbles about being defeated by a player named 'Bolttelmpest' with a sliding attack. Realizing it was Y/n, he acknowledges the skillful play with a "dang well gg."

Y/n nods, "Yeah, gg," before exiting the game and launching, showcasing his gameplay on his YouTube channel.

As he settles into his seat, Y/n lets out a sigh, knowing he hadn't even tapped into a fraction of his power. He decides to take a nap, only to be woken up for introductions.

"Oh well, I'm Y/n L/n. I like games, food, sleep, and my homies. Good night," he says before dozing off again, oblivious to the three sneering figures in the room.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the period. As Y/n stands, his phone is smacked out of his hand, but with a swift kick, he catches it mid-air. He confronts the trio responsible for the disruption.

"Um, who the hell are y'all?" Y/n inquires, his gaze steady.

The boys, led by Shingu, sneer at him. "We are not of your concern, but what we are concerned about is you messing up Rias-sama's plans," Shingu declares.

Y/n raises an eyebrow. "What plans do you mean exactly?"

Before Shingu can reveal too much, Nicu clamps a hand over his mouth. "Shut up, you know what she said," Nicu hisses.

Released from Nicu's grip, Shingu nods in agreement.

Nicu turns back to Y/n. "Well, we're here to teach you a lesson," he states, a menacing tone in his voice.

Y/n's mind wanders to his gaming plans for the evening, barely registering the threat. "Oh, what were y'all saying? I was lost on the road of life," he quips.

The boys lunge at him, but Y/n effortlessly dodges, tripping one and using a chair to topple another. A precise strike to a pressure point sends the third assailant to the ground.

"Shoot, I'm late. Issei, don't do anything dumb," Y/n mutters as he rushes out of the room, passing a girl who watches him with a calculating gaze.

"Fu fu fu... So that's the guy Bochu is so mad at... He's so handsome; maybe I'll make him mine," she muses.

Y/n continues his sprint to Issei's class, narrowly avoiding a cliché encounter with a girl on the stairs. With quick thinking and his 'anime ability copier,' he pushes Issei out of harm's way, sparing them both from an awkward situation.

"Whoo, that was super close," Y/n breathes out, relieved.

He looks up to see Issei already at the girl's side, offering assistance. Y/n intervenes, insisting on taking her to the infirmary himself, citing Issei's need to get to class on time.

As Issei heads off, Y/n turns to the girl. "First of all, I don't know you, and second, just drop the little sister act. It's dumb, please stop; it's killing me," he says, exasperated.

Suddenly, the girl springs up, clutches onto Y/n, and forces his hand onto her breast. She then brandishes a razor, threatening to frame him unless he distances himself from Issei.

"Fine, I will stop," Y/n agrees, feigning defeat.

Satisfied, the girl leaves, and Y/n retrieves his phone from the shadows, which has been recording the entire encounter. He peels off clear gloves, disposing of them in the trash.

Now, I've watched Rising of the Shield Hero and some Classroom of the Elite. I know a thot when I see one, Y/n thinks, a smirk forming on his lips.

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter and i wish yall have a nice night day and remember what ever comes your way it may hold you back but keep on striving thats what makes us human.

See ya

Can i have a normal life (highschool DXD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora