Russia Loves his Dad

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The wind blew his white hair as snow started to pile on his head. His eyes stared down at the ground with his face contorted in a disappointed scowl. Russia crossed his arms as he stood over his father's grave. Belarus, a young man with red hair strewn with white on the right side of his face, slowly shuffled his way to Russia's side. He too looked down at the grave. They were both in a graveyard, albeit a bit far from the other people visiting their loved ones.

Belarus looked up, and over to his side, in the distance, families were mourning, and reminiscing, and some having picnics near their loved ones. Belarus sighed and looked at Russia with tired eyes.

Russia knelt and covered one of his hands with the other. He inhaled and looked at Soviet's grave with a glint in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say the words he wanted his father to hear.

"папа, I have a gift for you"

There, Russia slowly uncovered his hand to reveal, his other hand, his middle finger standing up proudly.

Belarus' eyes widened to the size of the sun. His lips quivered so fast, it went 500 mph. Russia then took his hand and extended his arm, waving his middle finger at the grave.

"This is what you wanted right?"

Russia smiled as he spoke with a condensing tone. Belarus stared and started to wheeze so hard asthma came out of nowhere and punched him in the face.

"Yeahhhh, dad, watch me, you cant even beat my ass anymore"

Russia hissed, smiling as he moved up into a squat and crawled a bit closer to the grave, still flipping his deceased dad off

Everyone at the graveyard looked up and gathered around the brothers. One flipping the grave off and the other wheezing and laughing his ass off.

In the end the brothers were pushed out of the graveyard for disrupting everyone there.

"I just wanted to show my dad what I think of him"

"No shit and it was amazing as hell"

Dont think this was crack enough but eh

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