Instigators (part 1)

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As we enjoyed our food, and interesting conversation was brought up. "What has everyone been up to since the war ended" Shiro asked curiously.

"I've been visiting Shay and her planet a lot. Also last summer i brought her to Earth and showed her around the islands. She even met more of my family, they all love her"

"Awe Hunk, look at you getting far with your lady", I teased as he turned red. "I've been trying to sell stuff at the local farmers markets. Cause apparently thats what farmers do. I also invite people to the farm and tell them all about our adventures with Voltron. They love learning about Allura as we stand around her statue surrounded by her favorite flowers".

"Lance, I'm so proud of how far you've come. You've been working very hard to keep her memory alive and its very admirable", Shiro said as he patted my shoulder. "What about you Pidge? You're the youngest, what have you been up to?".

"Well, I work at the Garrison with my dad, Shiro, and his husband. I'm the lead scientist there, I even surpassed my dad. I graduated college as an honors student last year, and got promoted to lean scientist all in the same month", she smiled so proudly. She was practically beaming.

"Look at you being a super genius Pidge. Youngest top scientists in the area", I exclaimed as I smacked her on the back. She smiled sheepishly as Keith looked at her admirably. "What about you Keith, what has our emo space cowboy been up to", she asked him with a smirk.

"Matt and I started a program. We find planets that are having trouble recovering from the war. We then travel there with a team and take them the resources they need to get back on track. We also keep in touch and sometimes partner up with the blade of Marmora. Along with the freedom fighter that Matt used to lead. Sometimes there's so much damage that we have to send in all of our teams." Keith smiled as he thought about all the people he's helped in the last few years.

We all stared at him with big goofy smiles on our faces. Given the stone cold personality that he like to pretend he has, i don't think anybody expected that from him. Before he could utter another word, we all tackled him in a bone crushing hug. After a few seconds, he hugged back.

After eating we all went back to swimming. After lots of splashing, chicken fights, and contests, we soon decided to get dressed and relax on the beach. I came here for a reason though, and my plan would soon fall into place. As the guys and I were heading back to our spot, I pulled Hunk and Shiro back as I told Keith to go ahead without us.

"Guys, i have a plan.Those two oblivious, yet adorable dorks up there have been dancing around each other for far too long. We should go on a hike, just roll with it", I smirked at them as Shiro gave me a confused look.

If Keith's been working with Matt, then obviously he's seen Pidge far more than he lets on. Everyone else thinks this is the first time we've all seen each other for more than a few minutes in the last couple years. I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid. If Pidge has been working with Shiro and Sam, and Keith with Matt, then they've all teamed up before. Especially to find the resources to send to these planets. You would think Pidge has the technology for that, so she has to be their resident scientist. Keith may be good at strategizing and keeping secrets, but lately he's been letting his guard down. If they've been like this the past two years and they still aren't together, then I'm gonna change that.

I made my way back up towards the beach to gather everyone so we could go on a hike. We walked through the beautiful lush green forest. There were lots of exotic plants and beautiful butterflies. There were a plethora of tree species, some the others have probably never seen before. I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed how excited Keith looked. Poor guy lived in the desert by himself most of his life, new plants must be very exciting.

After walking for about half an hour, it was time to initiate my plan. We have to feign getting separated and lost. But in order to that Keth and Pidge need to be walking together behind us. Perfect timing, i just realized i never actually told Shiro and Hunk the plan. I motioned them towards me and started whispering it. We added a few more conversations in between so the other two wouldn't get suspicious. We continued to act like we were having a very exciting conversation. When i noticed how distracted they were with they're own conversation, thats when I put my plan into motion. We quietly ventured our way off course. As soon as they noticed we went quiet, we would be long gone. I sent Shiro and Hunk off in opposite directions,that way it would be easier to hide. I listened from the conveniently large tree I hid behind. They're footsteps echoed past me, stopped for a few seconds, and continued on. I heard them asking about where everyone went. I stayed there for a few more minutes before I met up with the other two in a near by field.

.....KEITHS POV.....

Katie and I were having yet another great conversation.Well,more like we were poking fun at one another. That's when I noticed how quiet it got. I put my arm in front of Pidge and gave her a look. We listened for any noises, worried for a few minutes, then decided that they're grown men. If they got lost they'll eventually find their way back to the beach, especially with Lance guiding them. We continued on and explored the beautiful forest.

After spending so much time together over the years, we were no longer awkward around each other like we were on that fateful night when Shiro came back. Pidge and I especially grew closer after the war ended. What the others don't know is that I see her almost monthly. Every time Matt and I find a new planet in need, we console Pidge. She helps us find the resources needed, and where to find them. Lots of planning goes into our missions. Especially collabing with Shiro, Curtis, Sam, and Pidge, our teams are finally sent on their way. These missions take weeks to plan. Which means we all spend a lot of time together. Matt, or team and I usually end up staying at the Garrison, seeing as how they have the best technology. A.k.a, Pidge has the best technology cause she builds and enhances most of it. I go on every mission with my teams, that way I can make sure there are no hostile residents, and no one gets hurt. I could never let myself let that happen again.

Subconsciously I slipped my hand into hers. The closer I am,the more I feel I can protect her. She slightly looked up and gave me a small smile.

Front Lines(Kidge) VLDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ