
418 18 1

Sophomore year elisa
Sorry but not proofread

Today I was supposed to go to Georgia and Liz's place after practice which by now had ended. I quickly grabbed my keys and my earbuds before saying goodbye to my dog.

I walked over to a couple of apartments before unlocking the door to their place with the spare key Georgia had given me. As I walked in I noticed the hum of the TV in the background and I knew they were home.

"GEORGIA" I shout running over and jumping on top of her

She yelps as we fall on the couch together landing awkwardly on the floor. A moment of awkward silence passes as we stare at each other before I scramble to get up and help her back to her feet.

Instead of making the situation more awkward by not talking I do my best to start a conversation

"Is Liz back yet" I question fiddling with my fingers

"no, she's back with Cayla" she replies looking up at me from the couch

I sit down on the couch next to her and lean in closer to her. I feel her breath hitch the closer I get to her but I choose to ignore that. Instead, I take the remote from her lap and change the channel.

"hey what the fuck I was watching that," she says with an eye roll

"well I don't care we're watching my show now" I reply switching on criminal minds

We sit there for a while watching the show. After a couple of minutes, I can see Georgia eyeing me from my peripheral vision. I turn my head only for her to be staring at her phone.

Disappointed I turn away from her and grab my phone. I notice the way she glances over at me for a second before huffing and going back to whoever the hell she was texting.

Though I did feel bad for acting coldly towards her considering it was our last year together I couldn't help but feel a pit in my stomach at the thought of her texting a girl instead of talking to the one right next to her.

Taking a leap of faith I ask "Who are you texting" trying to sound as casual as possible but feeling anything but casual. Instead of replying she just flips her phone and I see the name liz across the top.

I almost breathe a sigh of relief before I remember that there's absolutely no reason for me to be feeling this jealous when Georgia is just my friend.

I look up to her as she puts her phone down. She looks back at me with a slight haze in her eyes that I had never seen before. I feel our faces slowly inching together.

I push down the feeling of excitement at what's to come. I feel her lips press against mine and I feel her melt into the kiss me doing the same. The kiss only lasts a few seconds before she suddenly pulls away.

She seems to have a look of fear and regret in her eyes which makes me feel slightly nauseous.

"oh my god I'm so sorry," she says looking at me anxiously

I feel frozen in fear, like a deer in headlights. Her saying sorry meant that she regretted it and I felt everything but regret.

Unable to form a response I quickly scrambled to get my stuff and leave. The longer I stayed the more hurt I would end up.

"say something please," she says, a panicked expression taking over her face

"I'm sorry" is all I can muster up

I grab the last of my things before walking out. I look at her one last time only to see her face full of regret. I feel my stomach swirl and I can't tell if it's from her face or her expression

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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