~First Look~

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Yes, a lot has passed, maybe too much. He comes back probably more conceited than he was. We were only 6 years old then, but again.


- "Hope, Hope."

-"Yes Theo?"

-"Well, I know you were very sad yesterday when you found out I was going, I want to give you something as a souvenir."


He gave me this necklace

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He gave me this necklace.

-"You said you love space."

-"Thank you, but where are you from?" -"Does it matter?"

We hugged, and after that he left. Yes very sweet, but then again 10 years.

Flashback done.

In the morning like every other day, I had to be late, it became a habit, I didn't sleep at night, and that's when Tom came in.

-"Get up, you have a surprise today, and if you don't get up from Snape you will too."


He went back to class and I put on my Slytherin uniform, he honestly couldn't have been more pissed off, it's not my fault Draco, as always. Fortunately, I have more of them, precisely because of cases like this. I quickly got ready and rushed to class, because I'm probably already 10 minutes late. Class ended, and Lissa, Tom, Draco and I went to the hall, because someone new was coming.

-"I can think who it is."

-"Don't dramatize."

-"What about Lissa, you know there are always some boring ones."

Tom and Draco were chasing each other around the hall because Tom was teasing Lissa and Draco, but the truth is they like each other, you can see it. -

"Hopeeeee, help."

-"Come on, calm down, Dumbledore is coming."

When they saw him enter, they also sat down.

-"We have a new student coming today as you know, the son of Lord Voldemort, Matthew Riddle."

At that moment he entered, of course everyone was looking at him, especially the girls. I was too surprised to say anything, so I just watched.

-"Matheo, sit down so we can assign you a house."
He sat down, and Shorting hat assigned him a house.


-"Hope close your mouth, a fly will fly into you."

I hit Tom with the book.

-"Ow...that hurts."

-"Don't be a girl, Tom."

-"It hurts Malfoy."

-"I know, he often nags me too."

-"And Hope, do you look at him like that?"

-"And Lissa, maybe because I'm surprised, you can see that he's the same, too conceited."

I continued reading the book and Theo sat down next to me, I just didn't want to pay attention.

-"What happened Malfoy, are we angry?"

-"Why would?"

-"And you didn't even greet me."

-"hey, now I am, can you ic?"

-"Are you still wearing it?"

I hid the necklace under my shirt.

-"Like you said, I love space." -

"Or me?"

I just look at him.

-"Go screw it up, they're flying after you anyway, I'm reading Riddle."

-"And what is that?"

He took the book from me, stood up and held it up high.

-"Come on Th...Riddle, she's important to me."

-"Say the magic word."

-"Well, Tom, can you hit him for me, or Lissa?" They just laughed.

-"If you go to the wedding with me?" -"What kind of wedding?"

- "Don't worry, it's not ours, it will be soon, but from my friend, I need an escort."

-"Riddle..well as I know you, if I don't go, you'll burn the book right?"


- "Yes, well, I will go."

-"You promise?"

-"I promise."

Give me back the book and smile.

-"You just arrived, and you've already consumed all my nerves."

-"Save a little more, we're in the same room, I just checked."

I left in the room, and they all continued to laugh. After half an hour, I went to Lissa and Theo went to take a shower. Just as I came back, he came out of the toilet, without his mother. I just turned around.

-"Come on Riddle, get dressed."

- "No, I like it this way."

-"Yes, I don't."

He started getting closer to me and pushed me against the wall.

-"Yes Riddle, what are you doing?"

I felt his breath on my neck, where he started kissing me. As he raised his hands, I went under.

-"Nice Riddle, just try Astoria or Pansy, they're easy targets, just the way you like them."

He just laughed. After that I just left and went to Lissa, Tom and Draco.

I ran out of ideas halfway through, I had to improvise, I guess you like it. sorry if there are mistakes, my english is bad 🦋

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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