Descendants 1-3

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--IDEA #1




-DESCRIPTION: She has blue hair with green eyes and wears band T-shirt while ripped skinny jeans


-FAMILY: Genie(father)


--IDEA #2


-NAME: Sophia


-DESCRIPTION: She has black hair with blue eyes and wears leather pants,white spaghetti strap tops,leather jacket


-FAMILY: Beast (Father)

-Information- Since she is the second child.. When king beast was broken from the Enchantress's curse, She had added a curse,,, The second child is able to become beast-like, if threatened


--IDEA #3


-Name: Malia, eldest daughter of Maleficent

-Age: 18

-Looks: Long dark purple hair, dark blue eyes.

-Siblings: A younger sister named Mal.

-Personality: Smart, slick, sneaky, strong, stubborn, bully, kind (only a few people), honest (not all the time).

-Best Friend: Evilia

-Mate: Edward Cullen

-Likes: Stealing, magic, fighting, cursing, fashion, drawing, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal.

-Bio: Malina "Hey. Name is Malia but my friends just call me Lia. I live on the Isle of the Lost, which is were all the fun people are. I am the eldest daughter of the dark fairy, Maleficent. I am also her favorite, and I can beat her in a stare down. Well, that's it. I'm done now. I SAID I'M DONE!"


Name: Evilia, eldest daughter of the Evil Queen.

Age: 18

Parent: Evil Queen

Siblings: younger sister,Evie

Looks: Bright blue and short hair, gray eyes, always has on red lipstick.

Best Friend: Malia

Mate: Jacob Black

Likes: Fashion, School, Pink, her little sister and her friends, hanging out with Malia, makeovers.

Personality: Smart, kind, sneaky, can be mean, calm, can be a flirt.

Bio: Evilly "Hello! My name is Evilia. My mom is the Evil Queen. I love pink. I am usually wearing blue because nobody likes pink on the isle. Yes, I live on the isle of the lost, yes I do want to get out. I love my little sister,Evie and my best friend, Malia. I also love fashion. Well, I gotta go. Bye!"


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