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Lilith's pov—

..a girl

She looked around my age, tall and looked like she could crush someone.

She looked at me with a smirk. "Your pretty.. can I get your number?" She asked me. "I have a girlfriend." I responded looking down at my phone. She grabbed my chin, "I can change that." She said pulling my face up at her. "What the fuck Is wrong with you!" I heard Jade yell.

"Woah woah calm down." The girl said raising her arms backing away. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" She yelled, a lot of heads turned, I stood up and tried grabbing jades hand but she pulled away. "Jade!" I yelled pulling her back.

She was pissed. "Yeah calm your dog down will you." She laughed as her friends met up behind her laughing...

Hailey and another girl was standing behind her... Hailey must have over heard our plan to go to the mall.

I pulled jade behind me and walked up to the girl. "shut the fuck up, when did I fucking give you permission to touch me." I said and I smacked her. Jade pulled me back. "Hailey?!" Jade raised her voice. "What the actual fuck." I said.

I turned around grabbing my things and walked away. Jade soon followed after me, we walked out the malls doors, "why in the hell was Hailey with that bitch?" I asked. "I don't know but I know she did that on purpose." Jade said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "She probably told her friend to do that." Jade said.

Oh yeah, Hailey was jealous. We got into the car, "let's eat this food." Jade said lifting the bag of Panda Express. I smiled, "definitely."

We sat in the car and ate the Panda Express while music played, it was nice. "Wait wait, you got a little something.." I said giggling wiping the sauce off her cheek, we both laughed. "So basically me and Brandon kissed right.." Jade said and I cut her off. "Y'all kissed?!?" I practically screamed. "Shh jeez yes, but we did it to find out if we liked the opposite or same gender." She said. "Ohhh okay that tracks." I said laughing.

"So that's how you found out??" I asked. "I mean yeah I hate the thought of a man kissing me it's just weird.." she said eating the rest of her rice. "Or because he was gay it didn't feel right?" I suggested, "no, then I knew I was gay he was trying to figure it out. I mean we would think because of his voice but haha he didn't believe everyone who asked is he was gay." She laughed.

"Yeah I guess I feel the same. I mean kissing men anyway." I said throwing my empty box in the bag of trash. "Really?!" Jade said sarcastically throwing her trash away. "Pft shut your face." I said rolling my eyes. "That's a new one.." she said, we both laughing hysterically.

"Where to next?" Jade asked. "Umm.." I thought.. it's 4:47 so my mom is probably done sleeping, and we need to get jayson from daycare.. "let's go back to your house I've got to get my car, then I need to pick up jayson if you want to come along you can?" I offered. "Im probably going to talk to Hailey about whatever the fuck happened earlier, so you can just drop me off and dip." She said.

"Don't make it a big deal.." I sighed. "It is a big deal, that bitch touched my girlfriend." She said.


I couldn't contain my smile from the way she said "MY girlfriend." Melting.

"What?" She asked confused. I just kissed her. "really?" She asked. I nodded kissing her again, we fought over dominance but like always Jade won. I pulled away. "Okay we have to go." I said. "Right, let's go." She said.

We got back, I stepped out the car Jade walked around to my side and hugged me, "sorry this day kind of went to shit." Jade sighed pulling away. "It's okay, we got to hangout and I'm glad." I said kissing her. "Yeah me to-" she stopped talking I turned around to see what she was looking at and it was Hailey getting out of her friends car.

"You've got to be kidding me." Jade said rolling her eyes. Haileys friends sped off. I turned back around to Jade "hey I'm gonna bounce but I'll see you tomorrow at school okay?" I said. "Okay, I love you." She said kissing me. "I love you too" I said kissing her back. I got in my car and drove off.

I picked up jayson from daycare, "so how'd your day go?" He asked. "Man.. it's been a long day." I said sighing. There has been a lot of sighs today. I looked at his confused face through the rear view mirror. "I slapped a girl at the mall." I said laughing. "That's so sick! Man all I did was eat play and eat and play and eat." He said.

We soon pulled up at our house, we got out the car and headed inside. "Ahh yes!" Jayson yelled melting into the couch. "Mom we're home!" I yelled to see if she was awake. No answer, I remembered I hadn't check my phone in a good minute.

Hey honey another long night hour shift, I'm sorry. Make sure doors are locked and call Jade over for Jayson please.

Yes sure.

Great. I called Jade and asked her if she could babysit, she said to give her a moment I heard a lot of background yelling which I assume is Hailey. "Alright I'll be there in 5, love you." And she hung up.

"Alright bubs pick a movie" I said. He groaned getting up and looking through the movies on our movie shelf. "Hmm.. what about men in black?" He asked. "Sure." I said plopping down on the couch. He stood up and put the movie disc in the player.

Jaydon started the movie and later down on the couch. The movie rolled as we waited for Jade to show up.

The girl on my blockحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن