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" Y/n: ughh "

Where am i?...

i looked around and only saw darkness around me

The only thing i remember was passing out

" ???: well hello y/n "

I looked at where the voice was coming from and saw a glowing figure right Infront of me and about 8ft tall

Dang he tall

" y/n: umm...who are you? "

" ???: i am God the one who created existence and I the one who is above all"

God?... perhaps I'm dead..well it is what it is i guess

" y/n: so I'm assuming that i am dead? "

" ???: No shit "

Didn't expect god to be like this

" ???: *Coughs*...anyway yes you are dead and it's my fault..

" y/n: how so? "

So it was a mistake that i tragically died?

" ???: well...when i was creating your multiverse i wanted you to be the perfect highschool boy there is... however i made a terrible mistake...i accidentally put you in a universe full of misery and... you died "

" y/n: so god ain't perfect at all "

" ???: don't be mistaken just because you died in a miserable world doesn't mean i can't reincarnate you in a different universe "

Wowww fr????

" y/n: cool sure dude "

" ???: so any ideas what universe or existence you want to be reborn in? "

Hmmm let me think what universe...

" y/n: anything? "

" ???: of course there's no limitation to what i can do "

Is that so then I'll pick this world

" y/n: God please reincarnate me in the world of My hero academia "

" ???: done "

" y/n: oh before you do that can i still keep the abilities i have in my previous life "

" ???: sure sure no prob "


" ???: be ready...oh and your identity as a citizen in that world I'll handle it... everything about you will be known in that world so yeah ready? "

" y/n: ready as I'll ever be "

" ???: goodbye y/n I'll be watching you...*snaps finger*

" Y/n: huh?...whoa WHOA "

suddenly my body is fading away


after y/n's body completely faded away all that is left was he's soul

I open the palm of my hand and y/n's soul move it's way to me..i gently grab it

" ???: now then "

I'll be sure not to make a mistake again

Now let's make the Tree of my hero academia

I use my hand to summon a giant glowing tree

This tree is the existence of the my hero academia word if this tree were to be cut down I'm afraid this existence will vanished into nothingness

" ???: now... let's do this...that...and that...oh this to....hmm nah...why not...add some this...what was it?... right quirk... let's put this also...some razzle dazzle...annnnddddd done...hehe "

* Snaps finger *

" ???: Why do i feel like i made a mistake...hmmm....ohh...i made him overpowered.. "



Kai: hope you guys like it

" The Atomic Hero " Male Reader X MHAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें