Chapter Twelve

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I wrapped my arms around myself as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I made our way through the courtyard. I turned my head and stared as the executioner used a rock to sharpen his large blade. The blade that would be used to kill Buckbeak.

I sighed as we made it through the courtyard and to the top of the hill above Hagrids hut. We all froze when we saw Draco, Carbb, and Blaise staring down at Hagrids hut with a pair of binoculars. "You!" Hermione yelled as we stormed down to the trio.

" Oh! Come to see the show?" Draco laughed as he turned to us. " You, you foul loathsome evil little cockroch!" Hermione yelled as she pulled her wand out and held it to Draco.

Draco backed up against the rock and held his head up. " Hermione, no! He's not worth it, " Ron calmed Hermione. Hermione stood back, making Draco laugh with Blaise and Crabb. I stood forward and punched Draco in the nose, making him crack his head off the rock before the three of them ran away.

Ron and Harry smiled at me. " That felt good." ," That was brilliant."," Does this mean you and Draco broke up?" Hermione asked me. " I have no idea." I smiled before we made our way to Hagrids hut.

I knocked on the door and walked inside when Hargid opened the door for us. Hagrid poured us all some tea. " How are you feeling?" I asked, taking the large cup from Hargid. " I'll be alright. Dumbledores coming down, ya know? He wants to be with me when it happens." ," Can't you just let him go?" Harry asked.

" They'd know it was me, then Dumbledore would get into trouble." He sighed. " We'll stay too Hagrid.", " You'll do no such thing. Do you think they want you to see a thing like that? No, you'll drink your tea and be off. Enough about me, I'm happy to see you two are talking again." Hargid smiled at Harry and me. " For now," I smiled at Harry.

" That reminds me." Hargid turned and pulled a rat from a box." Scabbers!" Ron smiled as he took the rat from Hagrid. " You need to keep a better eye on your pets, Ron."

We jumped when one of Hargids' pots suddenly broke. Hermione turned to the broken glass and pulled a stone from its shards. Harry let out a yelp and rubbed his head before he turned around and froze. " Dumbledore and the minister are coming."

Hagrid rushed us out the back door as we waited patiently for the three men to enter Hagrids hut before we ran through the trees and up the hill.

We all turned, not being able to see anything but froze when we heard the chop from the executioners blade. I turned my head into Harry's neck and cried, wrapping my arms around his neck as he held me to his chest.

" Ow!" Ron yelled as he dropped his rat. " He bit me." Ron ran after his rat, " Ron, come back!" We yelled before we ran after Ron.

We ran and ran until Ron dove to the ground and catch Scabbers. My eyes widened. " Harry, do you know what tree this is?" I asked. My eyes stared up at the Whomping Willow. " Ron, run!" " You run!" Ron yelled as he pointed behind us.

I turned around to see a black dog snarling. " It's the grim!" Ron yelled. I turned and ran for Ron, hoping to pull him out of the range from the whomping willow. " Athena!" Harry yelled as the black dog jumped over me and grabbed Ron by the leg.

I held onto Ron's hands as tight as I could, letting out a scream as the black dog dragged Ron and me through the hole in the willow tree.

The black dog dragged us until we entered an abandoned house. I lost my grip on Ron as the dog turned and dragged him up the stairs of the abandoned house.

I jumped to my feet and ran up the stairs as quickly as I could. " Ron!" I yelled," Athena!" Ron cried from the room in front of the stairs. I ran into the room and froze when I saw the black dog twist and turn until he turned into a man.

The Black Flower حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن