1 - I offer you a gift

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«What's wrong with you?!»

«Nothing, leave me alone,» Jongho said grumpily.

«Little brother, I know something's bothering you. I'm here if you wanna talk.»

«I don't need to talk,» Jongho said.

«I know that's not what you need.»

Jongho turned his head and looked at his hyung, suspicious of what he was insinuating. «Just, leave me alone,» he said again.

«Are you sure that's what you want? I might be able to help you out.»

«What the hell?!» Jongho scooted away from Seonghwa on the sofa.

«That's not what I meant,» Seonghwa said, rolling his eyes. «You can't handle me anyway.»

Jongho scoffed.

«But I might know someone who could help you out.»

«No thanks.»

«You don't even know what you're saying no to.»

«It's still a no, hyung.»


«Because I don't want your leftovers. This is someone you've fucked, right?»


«Then no.»

«You seem to think I'm done with her. I'm not. I'm offering to share her with you. Once.»

«A girl?»

«She is a woman, yes.»

«Someone I know?»

«I'm not telling you anything else, you're acting like a child right now.»

«Shut up! I'm not myself these days.»

«I know, I know,» Seonghwa said, a little kinder. He had watched Jongho getting more and more wound up lately, and he could relate. Though, when he felt like that, he had a solution. Jongho seemed to not have that. «So, if you're interested, I'll set it up.»

«Don't you have to... ask her?»


«No?! What the...»

«Chill! We've talked about this. I know what she likes and what she doesn't. I know who she wants...»

«She's not your girlfriend, is she?»

«Noooo,» Seonghwa said, shaking his head. «Absolutely not, it's strictly sexual.»

«So, if I said yes, then...»

«Then you'll come to my room tonight. She'll be there.»

«In your room?»


«And so will you?»

«Yes. You may not have her on your own. Besides, I'm her master, she will not do anything with anyone else unless I say so. I have to be there.»

«You're her master? Seriously?»

«Jongho,» Seonghwa said, his voice dark as if he was on stage. «Don't test me right now. I'm offering you a gift. Time with my princess is not something I'll give to anyone. You may say no, but you may not make fun of her or the situation. Am I making myself clear?»

«Yes,» Jongho said with narrow eyes. «I hear you.»

«If you decide to come, knock between 10 and five past 10. No later. And if you don't come, that's fine. We'll never speak of it again. But just so you know, it's a one-time offer

Vanilla // Ateez // CJH x PSH x fem reader *m*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin