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It's been a week since that humiliating moment at Liam's birthday party , and Kayden's kiss

After we pulled away from the kiss we stared at each other in surprise , surprised that he kissed me and he confessed that he likes me , and surprised that i kissed him back

I avoided talking about it and asked him to take me back to the dorm , and he agreed . The ride back was silent and when we arrived , i thanked him and said goodbye without looking at him

Later that night he messaged me asking me if i was okay , and I answered with one word ' yes '

Have i been dodging him ? Yes

Every time i see him in the hallways I quickly change my direction , he definitely knew i was avoiding him

Not to mention i got really sick , apparently falling in the pool , wetting myself and then walking to the streets with nothing on but my wet dress and hair , had its consequences

I skipped a few classes , mostly the ones i shared with Kayden , i have been feeling super dizzy and keep sneezing all the time , my eyes are red and my nose was swollen

Anyone who sees me asked me what was wrong with me

It was Friday when things got really bad and I couldn't get off of bed , Jade has been taking care of me ever since i dropped ill , she bought me medicines and kept up with them

But i also told her to focus on her studies too i can take care of myself , exams were on the way and she had a thing for studying in the final days , I didn't wanna distract her any further

When I opened my phone , i saw the messages Kayden sent , ever since last week , starting with
" did you go to bed ?" Good morning , I didn't see you today , are you angry with me ?

The only answer i gave him was that i was busy

Busy avoiding him


She was driving me crazy , ignoring me for the first couple of days was justifiable , it's what I expected after kissing her , but for a whole week ?

That fucking kiss

I could still taste her strawberry lips on mine , she got me addicted already , and what i said about liking her ? It was true , i was falling for her , never have i ever liked a girl this much

And never have i ever send too many messages to one person in one week , i also scolded Mia for what she did , i hated that Audrey was feeling humiliated that way , and i hated the fact everyone was staring at her wet body

Walking in the hallway I spotted Jade from afar , she was on her phone and didn't see me yet , so i went to her instead ;" hey there " i said as i stood in front of her , she looked up and frowned at the sight of me

That can't be good

" what do you want ?" She asked , sternly , what happened to hello ? How are you ? ;" i was wondering how's Audrey , I haven't heard of her in a week " i told her vividly

" she's not available to you" she simply said before bumping into me as she walked , I turned and followed her ;" what is that supposed to mean ?" I asked and she suddenly turned again , obviously furious

" look Kayden , I already warned Audrey about you , and I'm gonna be very clear with you , you and your pack need to stay as far away from Audrey , she doesn't need people like you in her life , and what happened at the party was a proof of that , god damn it she's sick and in bed because of you" she spoke and my eyes widened at the word " sick"

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