Huntsman believed it was only because he was human turned demon compared to born and raised, but that was more just a theory, and he would leave that up to the scientist when he was more like himself

Speaking of which Syntax almost seemed happy to see them

and despite their bickering, the huntsman couldn't help but feel the same

They shared no words but the look said it all

"I'm glad to see you too"

Goliath however was not as silent as he reached the green-haired man, dragging Huntsman along with the strong spider, hugging him to the side as Huntsman guessed it was a way of reassuring himself that this was real and not some sick twisted sense of relief made by the ones that ran the underworld

The scientist gave the huntsman the same look as Goliath gave him but chose to ignore it

He would see himself soon later as he took charge of finding their last member

Their queen

Syntex came with some benefits Huntsman had to admit as he called his spider gear, backpacks that could turn into robot spider legs compared to goliaths and huntsman organic ones, allowing the spindle machinery to do the job for them was much appreciated

allowing them to find their queen faster

She had been in the main area of their cave

Exactly where the lady bone demon had been creating the bone mecha

The reason the spiders had been killed

"My queen!" Huntsman couldn't help but call out in hope and worry

She was so still, but a light gasp echoed in the halls

and she turned around

From what he had seen, the huntsman had to say his queen had been struck the most, half her hair had become a ghostly colour, her neck and ears also

her appearance the most dishevelled he had ever seen her, hair greasy and it had been clear she had been crying

"Boys" Their queen called as she seemed to try and reach them, but clearly too weak to reach them

The three using syntax's machinery aided in not causing their queen any more pain as they moved closer

The three when in front of her began to bow, only for her to lift them up, looking at them with disbelief but also with awe

The spiders said nothing but allowed their queen to look over them

looking at each with regret but sincerity

tracing where their new scars lay with a reassuring hold to say that everything will be ok

Huntsman's face was pulled up with a gentle claw

Huntsman didn't care

He would look at it later, for now

He would just allow himself and his cluster to take the time and be thankful for them all being alive


It wouldn't have surprised him to know if time worked differently in purgatory

Maybe weeks, years, centuries had passed down there, but his demonic mind could only register it being a few days

He couldn't really explain it, but he hadn't been brought down to madness or delusion so Huntsman merely thanked whatever deity that brought them mercy

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