Howd'ya Do?

568 16 18

If you get the name of this welcome chapter then good for you, have a cookie. 🍪

Anyways, just wanted to talk about some stuff real quick, like content and whatnot.

1. This is a spinoff of Garten of Banban by the Euphoric Brothers.  I wanted to do my own take on the "lore" and also do it in a fun, almost Gravity Falls or Owl House-esque feel.  The only character I own is one of our lovely protagonists, Sam.

2. Don't judge the story title, I tried okay ;-; It was hard.

3. This story is going to be mainly PG, as I want it to give the feels of something you'd find on Disney Channel (as mentioned above).  Yes, I'm turning this "horror game" into a family show, and NO ONE CAN STOP ME >:)

Alrighty, let's get into it!

(Note: The first part might not come out for a little while after this is posted lol, I'll write it as fast as I can)

Defending the Garten (A Garten of Banban spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now