[32nd Chapter: Bittersweet.]

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"Like- despite the whole... kidnapping jizz... He seems more confident, and there's something about this charismatic aura now surrounding him... it's kind of weird... don't you think?" Keiji says, eyeing Kenta. Natsuhiko soon enters the room, yawning. "Like... In choir yesterday, I remember him not even doing jackshit, but now he's the best singer in class... and his Grades have skyrocketed since he came back... isn't that- kind of weird?" He stated. Natsuhiko a little confused about the current topic.

"I guess so... was he always like that?" I looked over at Keiji, ignoring the annoying pest behind me. "Nah. I actually found him quite- creepy before... always took him for the perverted type... y'know?" I kick him in the shin, which results in his breath getting caught in his throat, as he winces in pain. Bending down to rub his now sore leg.

"Who's a what now?" Natsuhiko says, peering over my shoulder. I still not wanting to acknowledge his presence. "Don't say things like that, Keiji. But I get what you mean... Oh, and goodmorning Natsu." Natsuhiko beams at my words. Relishing in the new attention he's received. "My muse! I thought for a second I was dead... and you couldn't see me.... But to be recognised by such beauty brings pure bliss to my days~!" He whines, obviously teasing about our common ability that allows us to see the dead. Keiji just looks at him like a madman, before switching the topic back to Kenta.

"Also, he's been extremely clingy towards you the past 4 days he's been back, right Y/n?" Kenta looked over at me. Me just shrugging my shoulders in response. "Yeah... with my permission of course... I went to the hospital to visit him the other day, and he asked to basically be friends and hangout with one another... Says he'll be lonely considering what happened to Hotaka and Takeo." I blurted out, fatigue starting to settle in my body. 'God... how much spiritual energy have I been using lately...?'

"For real? But considering his popularity now... He doesn't really need to anymore... technically..." Keiji states... with a hint of- jealousy? In his voice. "He's got a point, not to mention the amount of times I had to pry him off of you, for when we had to get to the clubroom." Natsuhiko butts in. "Nahh, It's fine. I don't mind..." I yawned, resting my head on my arms, as they folded over my desk, creating a comfortable pillow for me to rest my head on.

Keiji and Natsuhiko just look at one another, before sighing. "If you say so..." They say in unison. And as if on cue, the bell rang out. Signalling to students that it's time for class. Before I drifted off to sleep... I caught a glimpse of Kenta in my peripheral vision... The image of Tsukasa popping in my head.



After 3 classes later. I sat at my desk. Tired and stressed out of my mind. Today feels agonisingly long... Like No.1 decided to slow down time just to specifically torture me.

"Hello, Y/n-san!~" Kenta beamed at me. I just lifted my hand up doing an awkward wave. My eyes still feeling heavy... Gosh... these past few days kind of suck... now realising it... The fake world, Mr. Hajime, Yuta, Tsukasa... as I grimaced at the thought of the current events. Kenta seemed to notice my now sour expression. Which made him to wave off his new friends, and to pay a little closer attention to my now sour mood.

"I was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with me today~!" He said, already putting my desk and someone else's together, to elongate the table in a way. "My mom also packed a little too much... So would you like to have the extras she made? It's just- it'll be a shame to throw it away. Yknow?" He says with a toothy smile. That smile... it really does look like his...

"Oh- sure... I was actually originally gonna get lunch from the vending machine downstairs... so- thanks!" I say gleefully. Fixing my slumped over posture, to sit properly. That smile... those eyes... it's so uncanny...

Lovesick: [YANDERE!Tsukasa Yugi x Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن