I looked over to my right, the rat dog bear creature known as Nezu, searching for an answer alongside me. Searching for a breakthrough alongside me.

And for the first time in my life. I caught a glimpse of a stumped expression on the chimera's face.

It was unironically terrifying.

Nezu is the smartest creature on the planet. No competition. Nezu is almost never wrong, and is never confused or stumped. But here he was. Just as lost and confused as I was.

It was unnerving seeing the obvious frustration on his face. He never showed these types of expressions. Never.

I thought back to what I had heard over a week ago. Eraserhead was able to confirm that Emerald is indeed a part of or at the very least associated with the slayer organization.

Of course, it wasn't that big of a confirmation. We had all been quite certain that this was the case. However, I suppose it is good that we were able to 100% confirm at least one of our speculations.

Our newest sample, the one that we scraped off of the grounds of Emerald and his ally's fight with against that one villain.

It was the exact same. No difference in the slightest. At least, none that we could currently find at the moment. It might as well be hopeless.

Of course not Nezu nor I were about to give up any time soon. We've come too far, out so much time and effort to just close this case. Plus, with Eraserhead's help, we can find out some of the I dentitions of members on both sides.

Members a part of the slayer organization and members a part of this secondary organization.


I turned to face the chimera. That frustrated and stumped expression he had previously worn was gone. Almost completely. It was replaced by a blank expression, but I got the sense that this was a good thing.

Whatever this chimera was thinking, it had to be good.

Nezu didn't wait for my response, instead gesturing over to the newest sample of unidentifiable blood. His beady eyes going without blinking for what felt like an eternity.

"What is it? Did you find something new?" I questioned, not understanding what this was all about.

Nezu didn't reply immediately. Instead, a large grin appeared across his face. His expression was one familiar to me. One I had seen multiple times. One I had seen whenever he discovered a new breakthrough or a thinking up a new hypothesis or theory.

"Tell me Tsukaiuchi. Aside from all of these samples of blood having the exact same components, what has been the only very very very slight difference between each?" Nezu questioned, staring up at me with his beady eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Not quite understanding where this was going.

"The concentration?" I took a wild guess.

Nezu simply curtly nodded.

"That's right. Up until this new sample, every single other sample has been relatively the same, made out of the same components. However, they each had varying levels of concentrations and amounts of those components, but it was far too insignificant to warrant a 100% difference between them."

"But this sample. This new one. The level of concentration of blood as compared to the others is staggering. If I were to guess... perhaps 80x the amount as normal!" Nezu proclaimed.

Cataclysm // Demon Slayer DekuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora