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      THERE WERE several things a person could wake up to. One, to an alarm blaring in your ears, blasting your favorite tune, two, the urge to use the restroom in the middle of the night, three, waking up to hunger, your stomach caving in on itself, or, four... a face shoved closely to yours. You were still very much half-asleep and your vision was trying to regain its focus, so, you just squinted your eyes at the face while the gears slowly turned inside of your brain.

"Ah..." your eyebrows slightly raised. "Are you new here as well? I haven't seen you before. Or I might have, but was too tired to remember you." The owner of the face eventually made distance between you both, floating backward. It was then you could see that it was not only one present inside your room, but rather three, all wearing an expression that screamed mischief.

They weren't human, the first indication of gravity not affecting them as they moved about. Secondly, they were translucent... and Thirdly, passed through objects and disappeared of free will. If those characteristics were not on par with a ghost, then you were unsure of what was.

"Kehehe~" The skinny ghost giggled. "We've been here far longer than you've ever been, Young Lady~ Probably here since the days of your great, great, great grandfather! Hihihi~!"

"But, you know," The more giant ghost chimed in. "If you choose to lay about in bed the entire day, there will come a time when you'll stay that way for an eternity! Ihihihi~!"

"Just like us!" The chubbiest ghost cackled.

You slowly blinked. Huh. These ghosts appeared less intimidating than you would expect. Horror stories, Movies, and Urban Legends always depict a ghost as frightening but the ones floating in front of you are anything but scary. They were playful, even.

"It's splendid we have friends staying over. Guess that means we will pull a lot of pranks on ya' bunch! Kehehehe~!"

Now that they mentioned 'friends...' where were Yuu and Grim? The house sounds very quiet... Oh, right. Today was the day they officially began their jobs as 'handymen', no? ...You did plan to assist Yuu in cleaning around campus. It's the only way you can think of to properly thank him for his kindness toward you. But, although your heart said yes, your body said no, and you overslept.

"Ah, Ah~ I almost forgot~" The chubbiest ghost giggled. "Before the boy left, he saved some of his breakfast for you. He asked that we inform you of this when you awake. Hehe~ Such a gentleman to the Young Lady~"

There was the warmth in your chest AGAIN. ...Can it stop...? It felt so weird... and lovely.

      "GLAD TO see you awake this time, Miss (n)." Chewing slowly, you stared at The Headmaster who intruded inside your bedroom. He didn't even bother to knock... a poor display of manners on his part. What if you were undressing...? Not that you had clothes to wear, but, that was far from the point.

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