A point 😮‍💨

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"Oh. Why not? Think about it. Revenge, chaos, schemes, Misunderstanding things and creating horrible horrible things out of it" Nimona started filing her nails with a knife.

"You have a point.. I like you. Villians?" Ballister held his hand out

"Villians." Nimona shook his hand and gave an evil metal smile we all know. They started to make a plan, and it started with revenge. Ballister and Nimona would find Ambrosius, they would take out the guards and- oh! (Nimona turned into a cat cause she was bored)

"You can shape-shift!?" Ballister totally didn't look mortified.

"Uh... yeah" Nimona turned back into herself and they edited the plans a bit. It would be the same except Nimona would take out all the guards around except for Ambrosius, not wanting to look bad Ballister and him would be fighting solo, like a duel expert they are actually trying to kill eachother or atleast stab. Then he could do it. Revenge.

"Oh.. this is gonna be great!" Nimona was clearly exited

"Do you think you could like fly us there or something..?" Ballister didn't for sure know what he was working with..

"Damn right I can." Nimona gave herself wings using her powers and flew up, grabbing ballisters wrists, and flew them to where Ambrosius would be heading that moment.

With Ambrosius

Ambrosius was in a flying car with the director (aka real queen murderer but that doesn't  matter) Ambrosius was just sitting there, staring out the window, thinking.

"Something on your mind, Ambrosius?"


"You can talk to me."

"My mind? Nothing." That was not true. But if Ambrosius told the director what he was actually thinking about I don't think that would end well, once they landed they walked out and immediately saw ballister.

"Knights!" Ambrosius looked back and all the knights were out cold in a pile.

"They were like this when I got here." Nimona smiled and walked over to Ballister.

"Ballister." Ambrosius had to act all tough or whatever because of the director

"Ambrosius" Ballister smiled. More knights arrived so that made a fight break out. Nimona turned into a bull and pushed some off the roof, she ran all over them as an ostrich. Ambrosius made the director get in a fly car thing and sword fought Ballister.

"I see you have a new arm." Ambrosius tried to talk for some reason.

"Yeah because *someone* cut the old one off."

                CLIFF HANGER 😈😈😈😈

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