Chapter 11 - Past and Present Evenings

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Simon did not have a clue why a man like Anthony Bridgerton seemed to like a timid creature such as him so much, perhaps he needed to be able to act as a big brother outside of his childhood home too. But Simon knew that he himself felt better, braver, more social and open towards new experiences whenever he was with Anthony. And so, slowly but surely, Anthony introduced him to truly enjoy both parties, strong spirits and the company of women, even though Simon was always a few steps behind. Thomas Dorset tagged along with them often, but he had his other friends amongst the medicine students as well, whereas Nigel Berbrooke wanted to tag along with Anthony and Simon, but since both of them loathed the unpleasant man it was one of their favourite pastimes to "accidentally" lose him in a crowd. Simon knew that some people deemed Anthony to be a bit uppish, exacting and straight out rude if he did not happen to like a person, but he also knew that the man had a heart of gold and fought fiercely for those he regarded as his friends or family. One time Anthony even punched a young Lord Fife straight in the face because he happened to call Simon odd. Anthony always insisted that Simon should come and stay with his family in the summers, but his seven brothers and sisters sounded quite exhausting and after having strainedly socialised a whole semester Simon never craved for anything else than the silence of his own familiar rooms back home. And so Simon -

"Simon...?" Anthony Bridgerton, not eighteen but nine and twenty years old, suddenly called out to him.

"Huh?" Simon exhaled, abruptly yanked away from his deep thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" Anthony grinned at his friend's usual absentmindedness, standing in front of the door to his study, where he had apparently emerged from when he had heard footsteps from the hallway. "I thought you were Kate."

"Alas, I am not." Simon smirked. "But we had her over for dinner, she and Daphne told me about everything that is going on with the prince and Miss Rosso. So, I thought you might need a drink... And a friend."

"I sure as hell do..." Anthony muttered in a tired voice. "Please, come in." He waved towards his study and went to the drink table to pour them some scotch while Simon sat down in one of his big comfortable armchairs. Anthony handed him the drink and slumped down in his own chair in his usual extremely laid-back manner, which resembled more lying than actually sitting. Simon had for long awaited the day when Anthony's arse would in fact slide down on the floor from the edge of the chair underneath him, but that day had not yet presented itself. "Christ, what a bloody mess..." Anthony sighed deeply.

"I believe Kate went to the opera to talk with Siena..." Simon uttered somewhat cautiously and had a sip of scotch. Anthony just groaned, sounding like he already knew it, but did not accept it at all. "So, how do we feel about that, the wife and the old mistress locked in such a heated dialogue?" He wondered, sounding like an old professor asking his student a challenging question.

"Terrified... Worried. Slightly aroused." Anthony chuckled and gulped down some of his own drink. Simon smirked and lit one of his cigars. "But mostly worried." Anthony added.

"I would not be worried if I was you, I am sure Kate can handle the situation. She seems like a capable lady." Simon stated encouragingly.

"Well, would you not be worried if Daph met that... What was her name, the farmer's daughter living close to Oxford, who you so eagerly persuaded?" Anthony enquired with that familiar glint of mischief in his eyes.

"I believe her name was Eleanor." Simon replied, without enthusiasm. He also wanted to comment that he did not persuade the girl, not in the same way Anthony deemed women as conquests at that time, but that she in fact was the first girl Simon had ever fancied and him being so shy it had taken plenty of time for their brief dalliance to kindle.

Aspire - Kanthony's continuation storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें