── chapter thirty eight

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"GAME THREE, HEY Nelson! How many likes on this video?" Cam asks him, wrapping an arm around him while Steven stood behind him.

"125 thousand likes."

"Nelson, go get your girl." Steven points at Vienna who looked a bit overwhelmed by the boys who were trying to get her snap.

Nelson sighed, rubbing his hands in front of his face. "This is an everyday thing bro, nothing surprising." He said before walking over, the camera shows him wrapping an arm around Vienna.

Nelson pulled her away, making Cam and the rest of the team laugh. He brought her over to the camera and he had a serious expression.

"Why do you look so angry?" Cam asks while he laughed at Nelson. He looked over to Vienna who presses her lips into a thin line.

"I was legit just talking to them and then he pulled me away." She exclaims, shaking her head. "They weren't even asking for my snap or anything."

"They were leading up to it." Nelson corrected her, pointing at her. Vienna side eyes him before he took her away.

The game was about to start and the team did their usual ritual dunk. They huddled in a circle, raising their hands in the air. "Skeeyee on three, one, two, three."

"Skeeyee!" They all yelled. Trey and Adam walked away while singing the song.

Vienna sat beside Nelson on the bench like always, the game started and Steven won the tip. Cam Scott dribbles the ball, passing it to Steven since he was in the paint.

He got stuck so he lost the ball but Adam get's it, driving to the basket. He passes Steven the ball for him to dunk and he does it easily.

Rwe was playing good defence, TJ stealing the ball and he drove to the basket to dunk it but someone fouls him.

"Okay, it's already starting early. Oh shit, TJ finna dunk on his ass!" Cam exclaimed, covering his mouth.

Vienna gets a notification from her phone, she turns it on to see another text from Alexander Flix. She frowned, tapping into the chat.

"He's still texting you?" Nelson asks her, leaning over to look at her phone. She goes onto Alex's account, blocking him. "Why'd you block him?"

"Because I have you." She smiles at him, putting her phone back into her pocket. The next possession, they watched as Adam breaks his defenders ankles.

Everyone goes crazy and Vienna starts laughing with Nelson. A dude with glasses and long hair shoots a three.

"He's lowkey tuff." Nelson points at the kid with the glasses, Vienna nodded her head in agreement.

Adam keeps dribbling out his defender, Vienna putting her hands on each side of her face in shock. "Bro, this man is getting lost!"

Trey has stolen the ball so many time, he shoots a three and it airballs. "Trey! What was that!"

He looks back at Vienna with a smile on his face. Down the court, the other team keeps fouling, taking down Trey.

"Oh shit." Nelson covers his mouth, Vienna stretches her neck to see better. Trey took a while to stand back up but he managed.

The dude with the mic was back, Vienna covering her mouth to stifle her laughter at his comments. "Man, just dunk the ball man! Just dunk the ball, no need for all those razzle dazzle."

"What the fuck?" Vienna snickered, looking at the camera. The player with the glasses was shooting back to back three's.

He steps out of bounds, both Vienna and Nelson points at the line. The ref blew the whistle and they start clapping.

Zion was about to go for a dunk but then gets fouled. "Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness, watch your head young man."

The brunette girl couldn't stop laughing at the man with the mic. She looks over to Nelson and he had the same reaction as her.

"I want him for our game tonight." She mumbled, looking over to him. Cam motions for Nelson to sub in, he runs over and the game starts again.

Lavar passes him the ball, Nelson shoots a three but it was no good. Zion gets the ball and he shoots a three.

Jeremiah passes the ball to Nelson when they got the possession, he drives to the basket and does his signature spin move and goes in for a lay up but it was no good.

"Get the rebounds!" Vienna yelled, next thing you know, the other team gets the ball and gets fouled by Lavar.

"Give it to Nelson!" Jay Jay yelled, Jeremiah passing it to him like he was told to.

"Watchu gonna do Nelson? 13 seconds." The mic guy said, Vienna leaned over, putting her hands on her knees to see what he does.

It was now half and Vienna could tell that Nelson was stressed out. She walks over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"I know you have a lot of pressure on you when they do that." She mumbled and he sighed, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

They pull apart and sat down on the bench, she hands him his waterbottle and he drank. They sat next to each other, watching as the next quarter started.

"I hate when they force the ball onto Nelson. Like, just play the game. Don't force the ball onto him, when he gets the opportunity, he will do something." Cam said to the camera while he shook his head.

"You good, Nelson?" He asked him, he nodded his head. Vienna looks up at Cam and gave him a small frown.

Zion dunks on #24, the crowd going wild especially the mic dude. Vienna stood up, patting the top of his head. "On his head!" She yelled.

3 minutes later, Cam Scott dunks on someone. "Aye! They putting on a show!" They definitely were since they were having a constant back to back dunks.

"Bro! Cam is on fucking fire!" Vienna yelled just as he got another three. Nelson stood up, shaking Vienna by the shoulders while they both laughed.

When the other team started celebrating when someone get's a three, Vienna furrowed her eyebrows. "Look at the score!"

"Nelson, wanna sub in?" Cam asked him, he nodded his head and ran up to sub in. "Subs!"

Nelson jogs onto the court. He drives to the basket, trying to get a lay up but it was too short. "It's okay, Nelson! Brush it off!" Vienna nodded her head, clapping her hands.

A few minute later, he drove to the basket again. He almost got it in but he got fouled. Nelson walks over to the free throw line, getting his shots in.

Then again, he drove to the basket, jumping through his defenders and getting a lay up in. "That's what I'm talking about!" Vienna yelled and then the quarter ended.

Nelson and Vienna walk over to each other, hugging. She smiled and he gives her a piggy back ride.

"Nelson! Vienna!"

Nelson runs over to Cam, he asked for them to do the outro. "125 thousand likes on this video and we'll drop game four! Also, stay tuned for the girls game!"

roan speaks!
so i'm gonna try to get a chapter
out tonight but i'm leaving for
my trip at 3 AM.

most likely i won't be able to write
on the weekend since i won't have
time but i'll try my best!

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈  , nelson neumannOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora