𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘𝓘

Start from the beginning


Vivi winks when they arrive closer. "Hey girl!" She greets Britha. It was Brithas first exchange with the eldest Duarte girl but the half fae already began to treat the witch as if they were old friends. Of course Britha knew her in passing but they never really got to have a conversation amongst themselves, this would be the first time.

"Hi." Britha greets back. She then gestures awkwardly to her clothes, "Sorry if i'm not really dressed well for these kind of things." Vivi laughs lightly at her apology. It definitely wasn't one of malicious intent.

"Don't worry thats exactly what this trips for! Of course there is nothing wrong with what you currently have on." Vivi lightly pats the witch on the back. It causes her to let out a slight cough from the impact.

"I'm so glad Jude decided to invite you. The more the merrier!" Britha meets eyes with Taryn. The shy mortal girl gives her a polite smile.

"Hello Britha. Thank you for the other day." Britha gives her a slight smile.

"It's nothing." There is a bit of silence as Britha could sense some tension between the two twins. Jude is looking to the side not acknowledging any of them. If this was gonna be a repeat with what happened when Allora and Jaser were fighting it was gonna be a long day.

Vivi turns mischievously towards the three girls. "So Longdale have you ever learned how to sneak from the faerie realm to the mortal realm? The grand human world!" She shouts dramatically. Britha simply shakes her head which causes the half fae to smile even brighter. It was definitely a smile full of trouble.

Jude turns her head towards the witch. "Well consider this your lucky day." She purses her lips before adding. "Hopefully."

Britha didn't know why her stomach churned at that.

Vivi picks up stalks of ragwort that grow near the water troughs. She lifts the first and blows on it saying. "Steed rise and bear with us where I command." Soon it becomes the shaped of a yellow pony with emereld eyes and a manr that resembles lacy foliagy. Brithas eyes widen in echatment as the pony makes an odd keening neigh. She throws down two more stalks. And later more ragwort ponies grow.

Vivi looks at the witch. "Impressive right?" Britha absentmindedly nods. Still stunned.

"Oh right since it was kind of last minute I planned this whole thing so I didn't have enough for one more horse! It looks like you'll have to join one of us on one." Vivi gives her a geniune look of apology.

"Its alright Vivi, she can ride with me." Jude answers. The eldest Duarte sounds content by that and quickly nods giving them both a thumbs up. "Awesome!"

They both climb on the nearest horse on their right. Jude goes in first followed by Britha. Britha lightly trips before she is caught by the mortal girl. nodding awkwardly in thanks she makes sure to secure herself well this time. She then hesitantly wraps her arm around Judes waist. She could feel her heart quicken a bit when the girl in front of her grabs her hands slightly as if to pull her closer. They were so close they could hear their own breaths collide. Jude tilts her head to the side.

"Make sure to hold on tight so you won't fall." Britha nods.

With that the four of them were off. They ride over the cliffs and then the sea, watching mermaids leap in the spangled waves and selkies rolling along the surf. Past the fog perpetually surrounding the islands and concealing them from mortals. And then onto the shoreline they pass Two Lights State Park as well as a golf course and jetport. There they see the key to their destination, Maine Mall.

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